Remember that guy with the PS3 Sony said was too dusty to repair? The saga continues.
Comcast Gives Away Wiis To New Subscribers?
Comcast will be giving away a limited supply of free Wiis in an upcoming promotion, a current employee tell us. The offer is good for new Comcast triple-play subscribers signing up July 28-August 17th in select markets. Our tipster confirmed the promo will be good in Miami, San Francisco, Houston, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, Boston, Detroit, and some other markets too. In valid markets where triple-play is not available, double-play subscriptions are eligible.The cable provider is apparently undaunted by the unresolved incompatibility issues between some Comcast-provided routers and the Wii.

Microsoft Keeps Your Repaired XBox For 4 Months, Calls You A Thief For Wanting It Back
[protected-iframe id="b8f18f624db3162ddc3edeca28b1ece8-40783744-40309798" info="" width="55" height="82" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"]Microsoft hasn’t returned Tiffany’s XBox 360 for four months because they think she is a thief, even though she has her original receipt and a credit card statement proving that she is the console’s rightful owner. Microsoft repaired the XBox back in January and tried to return it via FedEx, but a shipping snafu landed the box back at Microsoft’s service center. Tiffany has called repeatedly. She even sent a letter to Microsoft’s legal department, after sending her receipt and statement, asking how else she could prove ownership. That was 22 days ago. She has yet to receive a response.

"Red Light Of Death" Xbox Owner Wants Same Extended Warranty As "Red Ring Of Death" Sufferers
Though Microsoft bowed to a gamer backlash and gave 3-year warranty protection for the widespread Xbox hardware failure known as “The Red Ring of Death,” it seems another debilitating malfunction, “The Red Light of Death,” hasn’t become enough of a PR fiasco to merit the same treatment. Let’s help it along with reader Steve’s story…

Comcast Tech Abuses Power To Rack Vegeneance On Xbox Hackers
DSL Reports has the story of an outsourced Comcast tech was fired after bragging online about using internal Comcast systems to get vengeance on hackers disrupting his Xbox. After annoying little twerps intentionally overloaded his Xbox with data (known as packet flooding), Mark Ribeiro, who describes himself as a “Comcast tier 2.5 support agent, which essentially means im one of the top 1% elitest agents,” went to work. First he identified one of the perps and found out he was a Comcast customer. Then he looked up the kid’s info in the Comcast support system and called the kid’s father…

Microsoft Doesn't Know Why You Can't Access Any Of Your Saved Games
Reader Brad took his XBOX Live Gamertag to a friend’s house. When he got home, he realized that he’d forgotten his memory card (with the Gamertag on it) at his friend’s place.

Microsoft Has No Answer For Their Broken XBOX Live DRM
Reader Kevin’s XBOX 360 suffered the usual Red Ring of Death, so he sent it in to be repaired. He got back a different XBOX 360 with a different serial number. That would be no big deal, except Kevin has purchased a bunch of content through XBOX Live… content that is no longer fully functional due to Microsoft’s broken DRM.

Visa Extended Warranty Protection Replaces Infamous "Dusty Playstation"
Reid, the guy with the Playstation that Sony said was too dusty to repair, is getting his system replaced through his Visa card’s extended warranty protection.

Best Buy Forbids You From Buying Assassin's Creed, Insists You're Buying It For A Minor
Matt writes:
Yesterday I went through the horror of taking my 15 year old brother to the Best Buy in Orland Park, IL on LaGrange Ave. I had close to $100 in Best Buy Gift Certificates given to me for Christmas. My brother and I were en route to dinner and we decided to swing by the aforementioned Best Buy to pick up a video game, Assassin’s Creed, and XBOX Live Gold. We entered the store. I browsed the camera aisle looking for a cable to possibly purchase for our flat screen then headed to the video game section. I picked up the said items and headed to check out where hell will shortly ensue.

Scratch Too Hard On Your XBOX Live Card? Microsoft Won't Tell You The Code
Microsoft sells scratch off cards that contain codes you can use with XBOX live. Trouble is, if you get overzealous and scratch off the code along with the scratch-off stuff—you’re out of luck.

Best Buy: Video Games Are Not Toys
Best Buy told Rob that his coupon for 25% off three toys did not apply to video games because video games are not toys. Sad and confused, Rob went home and searched for “toy” on Best Buy’s website. Hop across the jump to see what appeared.

EB Games Charges Two Different Prices For Same Game
A copy of “Digital Devil Saga 2” will cost you $19.99 at EB games. Or maybe it will cost you $29.99. Who knows! Depends on which one you’re lucky enough to grab off the wall. Price mistakes like this happen all the time and there’s not enough Weights and Measures people to catch them all. Maybe we can turns all these various price errors into a hit new gameshow. We’ll call it, “The Price Is Wrong,” and Kevin James, from “The King of Queens,” following the same career path as Drew Carey, can host.
Researchers found that playing a Wii doesn’t burn a whole lot more calories per hour than an Xbox, 167 vs 107, respectively. [icWales via The Raw Feed]

Is This Playstation 3 Too Dusty To Be Repaired Under Warranty?
We now have pictures of the Playstation 3 that Sony refused to repair under warranty because the unit was too dusty.

Sony CSR: What? No! Dust Doesn't Void Your PS3 Warranty!
A Sony CSR admitted to reader Ive that dust should not void a Playstation 3’s warranty. Transcript and audio, after the jump.

Dust Voids PS3 Warranty
“I just got off the phone With PS3 customer support who kindly informed me that my PS3 is “too dusty” to be replaced under warranty. But won’t provide pictures unless they are subpoenaed.”