
iPhone 3GS Now $97 At Walmart … 4G Coming Soon?

iPhone 3GS Now $97 At Walmart … 4G Coming Soon?

Walmart has dropped the price of the iPhone 3GS to $97, which is $2 less than Apple charges for the older 3G model. The move has fueled speculation that Apple plans to announce the next-generation iPhone at its developers conference next month. They may as well. It’s not like anybody’s going to be surprised to see it.

Worst Phone Ever Wants You To Help Sue Apple and AT&T

Worst Phone Ever Wants You To Help Sue Apple and AT&T

Tired of dropped calls? Want to do something about it? If you’re an iPhone user, Worst Phone Ever wants you to send in your dropped call logs, with the goal of starting a class-action lawsuit against Apple and AT&T after it’s collected enough of them. [More]

Apple Finally Drops "I'm A Mac" Ads

Apple Finally Drops "I'm A Mac" Ads

Apple has finally caught on to something many of us have known for years: John Hodgman’s befuddled “PC” is far more appealing than Justin Long’s smug “Mac,” so the “I’m a Mac” ads aren’t really very effective at converting PC-users to Mac fans. Well. maybe that’s not the official reason, but the company is still killing the long-running campaign

The ads have already been removed from Apple’s site, and have been replaced by the company’s “Why you’ll love a Mac” promos. Last month, Justin Long signaled the end when he told an interviewer: “You know, I think they might be done. In fact, I heard from John, I think they’re going to move on.”

AT&T Raising iPhone Early Termination Fee To $325

AT&T Raising iPhone Early Termination Fee To $325

Having cold feet with your iPhone will cost you $325 starting June 1. AT&T is increasing the fee for breaking early two-year smartphone contracts from $199. The carrier is also decreasing the early termination fee for “dumb” phones by $25 to $150. [ [More]

Apple Store Now Willing To Accept Hard Currency

Apple Store Now Willing To Accept Hard Currency

A day after refusing to take cash from a customer who wanted to purchase an iPad, Apple has reversed course and is now willing to accept Federal Reserve Notes backed by the U.S. government. “We want to make sure it’s as fair as possible for people to get iPads,” said Apple Sr. Vice President Ron Johnson. [More]

Your Cash Is No Good At The Apple Store

Your Cash Is No Good At The Apple Store

If you’re saving up to buy an iPad, don’t do it by sticking your spare cash into an envelope. (Or a sock, for that matter.) As a woman in Palo Alto, Calif. learned, the same “credit or debit cards only” policy that Apple put in place to prevent rampant reselling of iPhones exists for iPads, and no stack of bills can be exchanged for the shiny gadget. [More]

How Steve Jobs Blew $10 Billion

How Steve Jobs Blew $10 Billion

So, you bought a house right before the property bubble burst? Got out of gold a year ago? Invested in back in the 90s? Well, guess what? No matter how many dumb investment decisions you’ve made, they likely pale next to a little mistake Steve Jobs made a few years ago, which cost him about $10 billion. Ain’t schadenfreude grand? [More]

Solid Gold Diamond-Encrusted iPad Sells For $190,000

Solid Gold Diamond-Encrusted iPad Sells For $190,000

The one thing the recession has taught me is that if you’ve got money, might as well burn it! And what better way to treat yourself to a little bit of luxury than with a $190,000 solid gold, diamond encrusted iPad? [More]

Apple: 10 Million CDMA iPhones On Order – For Verizon, Perchance?

This minute’s latest rumor is that the can you hear me now guy could be put to work testing iPhones soon. DigiTimes reports that Apple has placed an order with Taiwan-based Pegatron for CDMA iPhone that could reach up to 10 million units. CDMA devices don’t work on AT&T’s GSM network. Verizon’s network is CDMA. [More]

Adobe Hearts Apple – But May Not Be Too Fond Of Steve

Two weeks after Apple CEO Steve Jobs published his anti-Flash manifesto, Adobe — which makes the rich media software — has hit back. But instead of just sending out an anti-Apple rant, Adobe blows a kiss at the company, before scolding companies like Apple that “put content and applications behind walls” and “dictate what you can create, how you create it, or what you can experience on the web.” Oh, and Adobe also thinks that black turtlenecks are evil.

Sorry, You May Have To Wait Two More Years For A Verizon iPhone

Sorry, You May Have To Wait Two More Years For A Verizon iPhone

Despite rumors that Apple’s iPhone would soon be available on carriers other than AT&T, recently unearthed documents paint a different picture: they apparently confirm that AT&T and Apple signed a five-year exclusive deal in 2007, which means no Verizon version until at least 2012. [More]

Congratulations, Apple: You Lost Another Prototype iPhone?

Congratulations, Apple: You Lost Another Prototype iPhone?

The internet is all a flutter over pictures from Vietnamese forum that seem to show a new lost iPhone 4G prototype. This one is all “16GB”, turns on, and once ripped apart, appears to contain an Apple-branded processor. [More]

Earn $200/hr Teaching Angry Man To Use Apple Products

Earn $200/hr Teaching Angry Man To Use Apple Products

I guess Apple products aren’t idiot-proof after all. We have found your idiot nonpareil. There is a man in San Fran who needs help using Apple products. He is wiling to pay $200 an hour. This is his NSFW Craigsist ad/rant about how he is too busy to figure out how to get his credit card number from auto-populating when his kids buy stuff on iTunes, but has enough time for you to come over to his house and teach him how to use his devices. [More]

No, The iPad Hasn't Killed The Netbook

No, The iPad Hasn't Killed The Netbook

Netbook sales growth has slowed down! Apple has sold a million iPads! Quick, someone make a chart and prove that there’s a causal relationship between the two facts.

That’s essentially what Morgan Stanley did this week, and many media outlets picked it up as gospel. But there’s no real evidence that the iPad has had any significant effect on netbook demand.

iPad Data Plan May Really Be Unlimited

iPad Data Plan May Really Be Unlimited

When AT&T and Apple announced an optional “unlimited” iPad 3G data plan for $29.99 a month, skeptics assumed that it would come with all sorts of fine print and caveats designed to introduce some limits and block “data hogs” from eating up all of AT&T’s bandwidth. However, as one “torture test” confirms, the plan really does appear to be unlimited, which should be great news for early adopters who plan to use their iPads for Netflix or other streaming video services. [More]

Google To Join The E-Book Fray With New Store

Google To Join The E-Book Fray With New Store

Because there apparently aren’t enough gunslingers at the e-book OK Corral, Google announced today that they plan on joining the battle royale when they open their online e-book store sometime this summer. [More]

Google Pushed To Block Kids' Access To Android Porn

Google Pushed To Block Kids' Access To Android Porn

Last month, Apple CEO Steve Jobs cited the availability of porn apps as a major advantage offered by Google’s Android platform (well, he didn’t really, but some may have seen it that way). Now, the Parents Television Council, which earlier pushed to make Apple’s App Store more family-friendly, has decided to follow up on Steve’s endorsement, and is looking at what it sees as a lack of effective parental controls on Android phones. [More]

Will Advertisers Pay $1 Million To Join Apple's iAd Platform?

Will Advertisers Pay $1 Million To Join Apple's iAd Platform?

When Apple announced its iAd mobile ad platform a few weeks ago, speculation was high that the company would soon dominate mobile advertising, and drive consumers to new levels of frustration with endless ads populating the iPhone and other devices. However, that may not exactly happen, for at least one reason: The $1 million cost of entry for advertisers. [More]