
Apple's 3G iPad Debuts, World Keeps Turning

Apple's 3G iPad Debuts, World Keeps Turning

Is it just us, or did Friday’s debut of the pricier, newer version of Apple’s iPad with 3G kinda just… happen? The Steve Jobs-drive juggernaut rolled out the high-speed wireless model of their tablet with seemingly less ado than they did with the first iteration which drove tech lovers to foam at the mouth in April. [More]

Guy "Regrets" Selling iPhone Prototype To Gizmodo

Guy "Regrets" Selling iPhone Prototype To Gizmodo

The 21-year-old California man who found a prototype iPhone and then sold it to gadget site says he now regrets not attempting to return the phone to its rightful owner. [More]

Apple Shuts Down Lala Music Service, Saddens Customers

Apple Shuts Down Lala Music Service, Saddens Customers

It’s official, Apple is shutting down, a streaming service where users could pay for the rights to steam songs or buy and download them. After May 31, 2010, however, the web music will stop streaming and customers will be given iTunes credit. [More]

Steve Jobs Tells You Why Your iWhatevers Don't Have Flash

Steve Jobs Tells You Why Your iWhatevers Don't Have Flash

Steve Jobs has penned an open letter explaining why Apple doesn’t allow Flash on iPhones and all that. The reason? Flash is the past, HTML5 is the future. The letter comes after an Adobe evangelist told Apple to “go screw” itself. [More]

These Are The Top 10 Brands In The Whole Wide World

These Are The Top 10 Brands In The Whole Wide World

For five years, the people at BrandZ (you know they’re in branding because of the “Z”) have been evaluating customer opinion and awareness of various global brands, and then putting a dollar value on that evaluation for their annual Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands report. Here are the top 10 brands on the BrandZ list. [More]

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Sprint Employees Fired For Capturing Apple Store Shoplifter

Two employees at the Sprint outlet at Cherry Creek Shopping Center, where that iPad customer had his pinkie ripped off by a criminal earlier this month, were fired for chasing down and holding a different shoplifter one day later. [More]

Police Seize Gizmodo Editor's Computers

Police Seize Gizmodo Editor's Computers

Police on Friday seized several computers from the home of Gizmodo editor Jason Chen, after they were granted a warrant allowing them to confiscate property that “may have been used as the means of committing a felony.” The warrant specifically mentions that officials are looking for information about the iPhone 4G, a prototype of which Gizmodo obtained from a source who found it after an Apple engineer left it behind in a bar.

Update: The case is reportedly on hold as the San Mateo County District Attorney’s office reviews Gizmodo’s shield law defense. According to one report, Chen’s computers haven’t been examined yet, and won’t be until after the DA completes the review. (Thanks, GetEmSteveDave!)

Which Of These Is The Worst Business Decision Ever?

Which Of These Is The Worst Business Decision Ever?

There have been a lot of boneheaded business decisions over the years, but the folks over at MSN seem to think they’ve distilled it down to an elite 8 of nearsighted, addle-brained, wrong-minded missteps. See if you agree. [More]

Israel Lifts Ban On iPads

Israel Lifts Ban On iPads

Seems like only 11 days ago we were writing about how Israeli customs officers were confiscating iPads at airports. Well, apparently the country has had a change of heart and has decided to allow the oversized iPod Touches in. [More]

iPhone Hacked To Run Android

iPhone Hacked To Run Android

This guy has hacked his iPhone so it runs Android. In fact, he can choose to run either the iPhone OS or Android. It only works on the original 2G iPhone and it’s a little buggy, and not recommended that casual users try it, but the future could hold implementations on the 3G and 3Gs. Apple’s secret garden just got further pried open. [More]

Robber Steals Man's iPad & Part Of His Finger

Robber Steals Man's iPad & Part Of His Finger

A Colorado man has suffered permanent damage to his hand after a robber made off with the victim’s new iPad, and a good chunk of his pinky finger. [More]

Apple Loses Next iPhone, Tech Site Reviews It

Apple Loses Next iPhone, Tech Site Reviews It

Gizmodo snagged a prototype of what is almost certainly Apple’s next iteration of the iPhone, which an Apple software engineer lost at a bar. The site analyzed the phone and broke it down, but parent company Gawker may now face some legal hot water for trafficking in stolen property, having paid a thief $5,000 for the phone. [More]

Augmented Driving iPhone App Gives Your Car A HUD

Augmented Driving iPhone App Gives Your Car A HUD

The Augmented Driving iPhone app turns your car into a fighter jet. Mount your iPhone on the dash and launch the program and it starts tracking the cars around you, warning with an annoying voice if you get too close and showing you your lane so you don’t drift. Could come in handy for long road trips, as would staying alert and pulling off to a rest stop and taking a nap if you get tired. Only, don’t get so fascinated by playing with your driving app that you get into an accident. Even though it looks like a video game, there’s no replays. Here’s a demo so you can scoff or fawn for yourself: [More]

Apple Bans Man From Ever Buying Another iPad

Apple Bans Man From Ever Buying Another iPad

Apple has banned a blogger from buying any more iPads. Ever. Like, for the rest of his life, he is not allowed to buy a single one. He will die an old man, still clutching the same iPad, forbidden from ever upgrading. Porkay? [More]

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Comcast Vs. Apple

Worst Company In America Elite 8: Comcast Vs. Apple

This one should be very interesting, as perennial WCIA fave Comcast — who has stomped on DirecTV and United Airlines in earlier rounds — faces off against this year’s giant killer, Apple. The iCompany has gone all Little Mac on both Microsoft and AT&T, but will they be able to get in the right punches to beat the Philadelphia Kid? [More]

Apple Gives Cartoonist's App Second Chance After Public Outcry

Apple Gives Cartoonist's App Second Chance After Public Outcry

Four months after Apple said no to an iPhone app from Pulitzer-winning political cartoonist Mark Fiore, the computer company is feeling the blowback from negative publicity and has asked him to resubmit his application. [More]

iPads Not Allowed Into iSrael

iPads Not Allowed Into iSrael

Before you board that plane to Tel Aviv with your snazzy new iPad, you should know that your shiny tablet-y thing will be confiscated by Israeli customs officials because Israel officials have yet to give the device their stamp of approval. [More]

Rest Of World Needs To Wait An Extra Month For Their iPads

Rest Of World Needs To Wait An Extra Month For Their iPads

Fanboys and girls around the world will have to put up with their regular-size iPod Touches for a few extra weeks — Apple has announced that they’re delaying the non-U.S. release of the iPad for a month. [More]