
How About An App That Warns You When Your Ex Is

How About An App That Warns You When Your Ex Is Near?

We have enough fart, funny picture manipulator, and Starcraft build simulator apps. How about something utile for a change? Lost at E Minor has several propositions, including the “ex” radar that tracks your significant ex so you can avoid running into them in person. Of course, this could be use by stalkers to make sure they run into their ex, but let’s not kill the joke with overthinking. [More]

Pix Of Where The Chinese iPhone Worker-Drones Sleep

Pix Of Where The Chinese iPhone Worker-Drones Sleep

Gizmodo’s Joel Johnson got to peek inside the Foxconn factory in China where your iPhone and other fancy gadgets get made. Some 200,000 workers work inside, and also live in on-site dorms. Perhaps the most gripping images, however, are of what’s on the outside. Every building is draped in protective nets to prevent workers from suiciding off the roofs. [More]

White iPhone 4 Delayed Once More

White iPhone 4 Delayed Once More

If you’re sick of your white headphones not matching the black shell of your iPhone, you’ll now have to wait until spring. [More]

Is This The Sony PlayStation Phone?

Is This The Sony PlayStation Phone?

Love your PSP, but can’t stand Apple fans gloating that their iPhone can play games and make phone calls? Well, if this Engadget photo is any indication, you’re about to share in the fun of long-term contracts, high monthly fees, and random text messages interrupting your gameplay! [More]

iPad Gets Guy On No-Fly List

iPad Gets Guy On No-Fly List

When the flight attendants ask you to turn off all your electronic devices, that includes you, Mr. Cool iPad guy. [More]

iPhone App: Scan Barcode, Get Consumer Reports

iPhone App: Scan Barcode, Get Consumer Reports Ratings

(iOS4 only) Yesterday fellow publishing family member Consumer Reports launched a new $9.99 iPhone app that lets you scan a barcode and get official Consumer Reports ratings, reviews and specs for that product. Fret not, an Android version is in the works. Video walkthrough, inside. [More]

How To Tame The iPad

How To Tame The iPad

I’m waiting until next year’s inevitable next-generation improvement to take the iPad plunge, giving those who already own the device a year or so to learn how to break the wild beast and teach me to use it. [More]

Will This $8 Million iPhone Still Have Death Grip

Will This $8 Million iPhone Still Have Death Grip Issues?

Just in time for Christmas, the world’s most expensive phone. At least that’s what the designer of the $8 million dollar diamond-rimmed iPhone 4 claims. [More]

Verizon To Start Selling iPads Later This Month

Verizon To Start Selling iPads Later This Month

In a move that might give credence to the latest rumors about a Verizon iPhone, Verizon announced today that it will begin selling Apple’s iPad tablet device on Oct. 28. [More]

Is The iPhone 4 'GlassGate' News All It's Cracked Up To Be?

Is The iPhone 4 'GlassGate' News All It's Cracked Up To Be?

The iPhone 4’s “death grip” antenna issue has been well-documented on the pages of Consumerist and our sister publication Consumer Reports. But now comes news of a possible second design flaw, already dubbed “GlassGate” by some, in which slide-on iPhone 4 cases are reported to have a shattering effect on the device’s rear glass covering. [More]

You Order 2 iPhones, AT&T Ships 4, Sends You To Collections

You Order 2 iPhones, AT&T Ships 4, Sends You To Collections

Redditor Sketchampm says he and his girlfriend ordered two iPhones, and AT&T shipped them four. They sent two back as instructed and got refunded, but AT&T kept sending them bills for the other two phones, which customer service told them to ignore. Today, 3 months later, they get a call from a debt collector, demanding $1,100. [More]

Apple Makes Newsday Take Down Awesome iPad App Ad?

Apple Makes Newsday Take Down Awesome iPad App Ad?

Last week Newsday put out a hilarious new ad to promote its new iPad app, and now Apple has made them take down the most widely distributed version, according to an insider tip posted by by Network World. Maybe it was because the ad shows a guy who has replaced his newspaper with the iPad trying to swat a fly with the device and ends up smashing his iPad into shards. The tipster said Apple told Newsday had to get rid of the ad, or they would eject their app from the App store. Touchy, touchy. In case you missed it, here is the ad again (reuploaded by another user): [More]

Steve Jobs's Flamewar With A College Student

Steve Jobs's Flamewar With A College Student

Usually we praise a CEO for responding directly to customers but Apple’s Steve Jobs has made a hobby of talking tough to those who email him at In the latest case, because she couldn’t get a quote out of the PR department, a college journalism student took him to task. So he took her to hers, saying “Our goals do not include helping you get a good grade” and “Please leave us alone.” [More]

"Useless" One Of Most The Prevalent Words In 1-Star App Store Reviews. Why?

"Useless" One Of Most The Prevalent Words In 1-Star App Store Reviews. Why?

Marco wrote a script to tease out the most commonly appearing words in 1 and 5 star App store user reviews and found some interesting trends. Among them, the word “useless” is surprisingly popular for 1-star reviews, and it’s often for pretty narrowly defined reasons. [More]

Install iTunes 10 Minus The Bloatware (PC)

Install iTunes 10 Minus The Bloatware (PC)

Like previous versions, iTunes 10 is a hefty hunk of software that actually contains within it 6 different Windows Installer programs that you don’t always need or want. Apple doesn’t let you customize the install, but this guide shows you how to install only the slimmest iTunes footprint you need for your purposes. [More]

Apple Pulling Plug On Free iPhone 4 Bumper Program

Apple Pulling Plug On Free iPhone 4 Bumper Program

If you’re an iPhone 4 owner and haven’t scored your free bumper case, you’ve only got a couple weeks left to get one. Apple has announced that it is pulling the plug on the free bumper program at the end of September. [More]

New AppleTV Is Smaller, Cheaper, Allows For Netflix Streaming

New AppleTV Is Smaller, Cheaper, Allows For Netflix Streaming

In addition to highlighting its line of overhauled iPods earlier today, Apple also debuted its much improved (or at least significantly smaller) Apple TV device, which not only lets you stream iTunes video and music through your TV, but also Netflix’s Watch Instantly library of shows and movies. [More]

Apple Debuts Overhauled Line Of iPods

Apple Debuts Overhauled Line Of iPods

As many predicted, Apple used its much-anticipated press event today to show off the latest development in their iPod devices. And though some had hoped Big Chief Fanboy Steve Jobs would be unveiling a new version of the iPod, it was really just updates — ranging from the blah to the significant — to the existing line. [More]