Is This The Sony PlayStation Phone?

Love your PSP, but can’t stand Apple fans gloating that their iPhone can play games and make phone calls? Well, if this Engadget photo is any indication, you’re about to share in the fun of long-term contracts, high monthly fees, and random text messages interrupting your gameplay!
According to Engadget:
…[W]e assure you, the picture above is in fact the PlayStation Phone you’ve long been waiting for. As we reported back in August, the device you see is headed into the market soon, likely boasting Android 3.0 (aka Gingerbread), along with a custom Sony Marketplace which will allow you to purchase and download games designed for the new platform. … Looking almost identical to the mockup we hit you with this summer, the handset does indeed have a long touchpad in the center which is apparently multitouch, and you can see in the photos that it’s still bearing those familiar PlayStation shoulder buttons. For Sony buffs, you’ll be interested to know that there’s no Memory Stick slot here, but there is support for microSD cards.
Speculation is that the PS Phone will hit stores next year, though Engadget mentions that a 2010 release is possible.
The PlayStation Phone [Engadget]
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