How To Tame The iPad

I’m waiting until next year’s inevitable next-generation improvement to take the iPad plunge, giving those who already own the device a year or so to learn how to break the wild beast and teach me to use it.
Mashable has already done much of the heavy lifting, piecing together a list of 10 tips to help you make your experience with the tablet iRad.
A sampling of the post’s advice, much of which involves subverting the clunky interface:
*Work around Safari’s inability to let you open new tabs by opening new windows with the browser by tapping on a link until it gives you the “open in new page” option.
*Make up for the system’s lack of a “mute” button by holding down the volume lowering button for a few seconds, quickly shutting down the sound.
*Eliminate the need to turn pages in iBooks with the tiresome swipe motion by manipulating the settings to advance pages by tapping the left margin.
Click the source link for the rest of the tips.
If you own an iPad, what are your favorite hacks?
10 Useful Apple iPad Tips and Tricks [Mashable]
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