
Consumer Reports Issues Its Verdict On The iPhone 4S

Consumer Reports Issues Its Verdict On The iPhone 4S

When Apple last overhauled the iPhone, our corporate cousins at Consumer Reports ruled that, in spite of all the device’s positives, they could not recommend it because of the so-called “death grip” issue, a fundamental design flaw that could lead to weakened signals or dropped calls if the user placed their hand over a certain spot on the edge of the phone. Now that the iPhone 4S has hit the market and the testers at CR have had the chance to put it through its paces, would the new phone fare better than its predecessor? [More]

Apple Confirms iOS 5 Bug Is Screwing With Some iPhone 4S Batteries

Apple Confirms iOS 5 Bug Is Screwing With Some iPhone 4S Batteries

It’s been almost a week since some iPhone 4S users began complaining about their batteries not charging or draining too quickly and all the while Apple had remained quiet on the topic. But today, the cool kids of Cupertino confirmed that some glitches in the latest iPhone operating system appear to be the cause of the problem. [More]

How's Your iPhone 4S Battery?

How's Your iPhone 4S Battery?

Our lab-coated colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports are still testing various features of the iPhone 4S, so we don’t have their verdict on its battery life yet. But many customers online, including reader Bill, are already complaining that the battery drains much too quickly, and never fully charges to 100%. [More]

Just Because People Are Buying Tablets Doesn't Mean They Are Paying For News Content

Just Because People Are Buying Tablets Doesn't Mean They Are Paying For News Content

With its large touch screen and comparable size to a folded up newspaper, some in the news business had hopes that the tablet computer would usher in a new era of customers willing to pay for access to news content. But a new study shows that — at least so far — it just isn’t so. [More]

Apple Manager Breaks Rule, Makes 10-Year-Old Girl's Dreams Come True

Apple Manager Breaks Rule, Makes 10-Year-Old Girl's Dreams Come True

Reader Matt tells the story of how an Apple store manager broke a little rule so as not to dash the hopes of his 10-year-old daughter, and, in the process, made a little bit of retail magic happen. [More]

Cell Phone Company With Only 1 Million Customers To Get iPhone 4S

Cell Phone Company With Only 1 Million Customers To Get iPhone 4S

Until a few minutes ago, most of us had barely heard of C Spire Wireless, even by its previous name of Cellular South. Regardless, the wireless provider with only about a million customers announced today that it is now taking orders for the iPhone 4S. [More]

iPhone Owners Complaining About Yellow Screens Again

iPhone Owners Complaining About Yellow Screens Again

Back in 2008, Apple faced a minor controversy when some iPhone 3G owners complained of yellow screens. Well, everything old is new again, as the screens on some iPhone 4S devices have buyers seeing yellow. [More]

Apple Breaks Sales Records With 4 Million iPhone 4S Units Sold

Apple Breaks Sales Records With 4 Million iPhone 4S Units Sold

As if we didn’t already know, Apple’s iPhones are near and dear to the hearts of many consumers. So it might not shock you to learn that the company broke sales records when it sold 4 million of the new iPhone4S phones in just three days last week. [More]

Apple Allegedly Kicks "The Situation" Out For Trying To Cut iPhone 4S Line

Apple Allegedly Kicks "The Situation" Out For Trying To Cut iPhone 4S Line

The Situation’s six-pack was allegedly sent packing after the Jersey Shore star tried to cut an iPhone 4S line at an Apple store this weekend. [More]

Apple Makes Me Stalk The UPS Guy At My Old House

Apple Makes Me Stalk The UPS Guy At My Old House

Samantha has moved since registering for an account on That’s not unusual. Her problem is that Apple is somehow unable to deal with this reality, and she isn’t able to change her address in their system. This means that they can’t ship her freshly ordered iPhone 4S anywhere but her old address. “Maybe I will show up at the house and ask them to please not steal my new iPhone,” she muses. [More]

Everyone Wants One Of Those $175 Steve Jobs Mock Turtlenecks

Everyone Wants One Of Those $175 Steve Jobs Mock Turtlenecks

When one thinks of Steve Jobs, the image of the great Apple innovator in a black, long-sleeved mock turtleneck probably comes to mind. In a sign of the man’s impact on, well, everyone, sales of that same shirt more than doubled in the day after his death. [More]

Apple: No iPhone 5, But The Faster iPhone 4S Will Be Available This Month For AT&T, Verizon & Sprint

Apple: No iPhone 5, But The Faster iPhone 4S Will Be Available This Month For AT&T, Verizon & Sprint

There has been a mountain of speculation about just what exactly would Apple be unveiling at today’s big press event — Would it be the iPhone 5? Maybe the lower price, slimmed down iPhone 4S? Would it be a 4G device? Would Sprint and/or T-Mobile finally get the iPhone? Would they kill the iPod as we know it? [More]

Fake iPhone 5 Emails Bear Malware

Fake iPhone 5 Emails Bear Malware

On the cusp of a big Apple event today where a new iPhone is expected to be announced, fake emails are going around purporting to give details of “the new Apple iPhone5GS,” featuring a see-through keyboard. Clicking on the links leads to a malware-laced website that targets PCs. Here’s the email and what to look out for. [More]

Report: Sprint Places Order For 30.5 Million iPhones

Report: Sprint Places Order For 30.5 Million iPhones

Among the many whispers surrounding tomorrow’s big iPhone announcement are rumors that Sprint would finally get its hands on the coveted smartphone. Now comes a report that the wireless company isn’t just going to be offering the iPhone but that it’s betting the company’s future on it. [More]

Commence Squeals Of Glee: Apple To Finally Reveal iPhone 5 Oct. 4

Commence Squeals Of Glee: Apple To Finally Reveal iPhone 5 Oct. 4

Be still, beating hearts, the anticipation is finally (officially, and sort of) over! Apple confirmed Tuesday that on Oct. 4, they’ll whip back the curtain and reveal the iPhone 5. [More]

T-Mobile Exec: Over 1 Million Customers Using Unlocked iPhones On Our Network

T-Mobile Exec: Over 1 Million Customers Using Unlocked iPhones On Our Network

Right now, U.S. cellphone users can only choose between AT&T and Verizon Wireless if they want to use the iPhone without jailbreaking it to use on another provider’s network. And even though T-Mobile may eventually get the iPhone if AT&T can convince the courts and regulators to let its purchase of T-Mobile USA go through, a number of customers aren’t waiting. [More]

Three Reasons To Go Android, And One To Keep You On The iPad

Three Reasons To Go Android, And One To Keep You On The iPad

The iPad will dominate tablet sales until 2014, according to a new report from research firm Gartner. But Android models will take about 17% of the market this year, and there are a few reasons to consider one, according to our computer-savvy cousins at Consumer Reports. [More]

Al Gore Says New iPhones Coming In October

Al Gore Says New iPhones Coming In October

Just in case you’re looking for a more reliable source for information about the release date of Apple’s next iPhone, former vice president Al Gore has weighed in. “Not to mention the new iPhones coming out next month. That was a plug,” Gore said yesterday. He should know. In addition to having invented the Internet, he’s a member of Apple’s board. [More]