The sad reality is that many times a stolen phone is just not going to come back to you. There are a lot of iPhones out there and not enough police to recover them all, especially in New York City where so-called “Apple picking” is rampant. But one girl caught a break when none other than the person who stole her phone was the one who ultimately ended up reuniting her with it. [More]
iphone 4s

Report: Apple Store Employees Now Allowed To Price-Match iPhones
The worst kept secret in telephony is that there is a new Apple iPhone coming in the fall. Thus, some of the big box retailers that offer the current version of the device are starting to offer discounts to clear inventory. Apple stores are not advertising any such price drops, but a new report claims that employees have been given authorization to offer price matches. [More]

Leap To Offer Prepaid iPhone Plans For $55/Month
If you want an iPhone but don’t want to sign up for a two-year contract, you’ve been out of luck. But the popular device is about to cross over into the world of pre-paid wireless plans when it makes its debut on the Leap Wireless network on June 22. [More]

AT&T Can Unlock Your iPhone, But Only If You Leave AT&T
We often hear from readers who can’t get their mobile phone carriers to provide unlock codes so they can use their phone on a different network, even just while traveling abroad. AT&T only recently started providing unlock codes to customers with iPhones, and Josh managed to get one for his iPhone 4S. There was one weird condition: he had to sever his ties with AT&T forever. They couldn’t provide the code and keep him as a customer. Wha? [More]

Is AT&T Misleading iPhone 4S Users About 4G Access?
Yesterday, the same day that Apple announced its new iPad would be able to access AT&T and Verizon’s 4G LTE networks, AT&T iPhone 4S owners received an update to their devices — and suddenly millions of people who had been told their phone didn’t work on 4G networks now had a little icon that reads “4G.” But it’s really just the same speed they had the day before. [More]
Sorry, Scottish iPhone Users, Siri Doesn't Understand You & Has Never Seen 'Braveheart'
Siri, the voice-activated personal assistant on the iPhone 4S, knows to chide you gently when you swear at her, and she can handle complicated questions about the meaning of life and whether love is real. But faced with a thick Scottish burr, Siri fumbles. [More]

Shoppers Get Even With Apple For Pushing Back iPhone 4S Sale Date By Way Of An Egg Storm
Built up expectations boiled over into an all out egg fight, complete with shoving matches, when Apple’s Beijing store told customers they wouldn’t be selling the iPhone 4S as scheduled. You keep people away from their shiny toys, and that’s what you get — food rage. [More]

Kid In Store Asks Demo iPhone A Question, Siri Tells Him To "Shut The (Bleep) Up"
We knew it was just a matter of time before Siri got fed up with the whole nice, iPhone voice-activated assistance thing and showed her true colors. A young boy in London was trying out one of the phones in a store and asked Siri, “How many people are there in the world?” and got quite the potty-mouthed response. [More]

Consumerist Reader Resolves Sprint iPhone 4S Issue After Almost Two Months
Readers know that we are huge fans of happy resolutions here at Consumerist, so even if it takes two posts and almost as many months, we are pleased to hand out props where they are due. David’s trials and tribulations involving a Sprint iPhone 4S with slow data speeds was first posted on this very site on Oct. 31. And now, he reports, all’s well that ends well. [More]

Why Siri Won't Help You Find An Abortion Clinic
Siri, the helpful virtual assistant in the iPhone 4S, will help you find the nearest Thai restaurant, tell you your nearby options to get an oil change and suggest places to get a haircut. What she reportedly won’t tell you, for now, is where to find an abortion clinic. [More]

Apple Is Testing Fix For Buggy iOS 5
Users met the release of Apple’s new operating system, iOS 5, with complaints of battery life issues and bugs involving Siri, the digital assistant. Apple is attempting to smooth things out with a software fix called iOS 5.0.1, which it’s beta testing with a small group of users. [More]

Update: Sprint Is Still Giving Me The iPhone Run Around
One of the best moments for those of us at Consumerist is when we’re directly able to help one of you, our fellow consumers, in resolving a sticky situation. And so it is with great displeasure that we must update the story of a Sprint iPhone 4S user in such an unsatisfactory way. [More]

Consumer Reports Issues Its Verdict On The iPhone 4S
When Apple last overhauled the iPhone, our corporate cousins at Consumer Reports ruled that, in spite of all the device’s positives, they could not recommend it because of the so-called “death grip” issue, a fundamental design flaw that could lead to weakened signals or dropped calls if the user placed their hand over a certain spot on the edge of the phone. Now that the iPhone 4S has hit the market and the testers at CR have had the chance to put it through its paces, would the new phone fare better than its predecessor? [More]

Apple Confirms iOS 5 Bug Is Screwing With Some iPhone 4S Batteries
It’s been almost a week since some iPhone 4S users began complaining about their batteries not charging or draining too quickly and all the while Apple had remained quiet on the topic. But today, the cool kids of Cupertino confirmed that some glitches in the latest iPhone operating system appear to be the cause of the problem. [More]

Sprint Won't Take Back My Unwanted iPhone 4S
While purchasing items online is often very convenient, when it comes to returning said products, some retailers make it anything but easy — even if they have brick-and-mortar stores. Consumerist reader David had a frustrating experience attempting to return a Sprint iPhone 4S. [More]

How's Your iPhone 4S Battery?
Our lab-coated colleagues down the hall at Consumer Reports are still testing various features of the iPhone 4S, so we don’t have their verdict on its battery life yet. But many customers online, including reader Bill, are already complaining that the battery drains much too quickly, and never fully charges to 100%. [More]

iPhone Preorder Customers Find Long Wait Unfair
Customers like Stacey thought they were doing the responsible thing by pre-ordering the iPhone 4S and having it delivered to their doorsteps, instead of queuing up on release day. But now some customers won’t get their preordered phones for weeks while brick-and-mortar stores have stacks of them, and they can’t even cancel the preorders to go buy one from a local store. [More]

Cell Phone Company With Only 1 Million Customers To Get iPhone 4S
Until a few minutes ago, most of us had barely heard of C Spire Wireless, even by its previous name of Cellular South. Regardless, the wireless provider with only about a million customers announced today that it is now taking orders for the iPhone 4S. [More]