
The iPad Vending Machine At Macy's

The iPad Vending Machine At Macy's

I know iPad and iPod and gizmo-disgorging vending machines are nothing new, but it was still unnerving to see one as I passed through a Macy’s men’s department this weekend. I kind of hate it, and I kind of love it. [More]

Seven Scams And Swindles

Seven Scams And Swindles

Hear about some of my “favorite,” and the most recent, scams and swindles in this interview I did with Gerri Detweiler over on Talk Credit Radio. From the Black Money Scam to the wooden iPad, ripoffs are all around us. You rage at the conman, but also have to laugh at how audacious his gambits are, and marvel that they get pulled off again and gain. Plus, listen to the two things that, if we all did them, we could stop about 90% of scams from ever happening in the first place. [More]

AT&T Loses My iPad, Tells Me It's My Responsibility To Find It

AT&T Loses My iPad, Tells Me It's My Responsibility To Find It

Last spring, Vik was looking around online for a deal on an iPad. He finally found a decent offer on the AT&T website so he ordered away. But by the time it had arrived, he’d decided he actually wanted a newer iPad 2. So he packed the tablet back up and shipped it back to AT&T within a couple days of getting it. He was still within the return window so he figured at worst he’d be charged for a month of data or some sort of small fee. [More]

Apple Injunction Forces Samsung To Pull Tablet From Trade Show

Apple Injunction Forces Samsung To Pull Tablet From Trade Show

Apple scored a hit against Samsung in their battle for tablet computer dominance after they won an injunction blocking sales of the new Galaxy Tab 7.7 in Germany. Samsung then had to remove the Galaxy Tab from a big electronics show. [More]

Sprint Raising ETF To $350 For Smartphones &

Sprint Raising ETF To $350 For Smartphones & Tablets

While Sprint hasn’t yet joined AT&T and Verizon Wireless in switching from unlimited data plans to tiered pricing, the company has announced it will soon jack up the cost of cancelling your smartphone contract to match the early termination fees charged by these competitors. [More]

Woman Finds She Now Has $180 iWood Instead Of iPad

Woman Finds She Now Has $180 iWood Instead Of iPad

Beware, South Carolinians looking for a good deal on an iPad in a parking lot! Don’t fall for the trick one woman succumbed to and purchase a block of wood instead of an Apple tablet!. [More]

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With
Customers, Friends, Family

Sprint Tells Employees Not To Discuss iPhone Rumors With Customers, Friends, Family

Among the many rumors and reports surrounding the inevitable release of the iPhone 5 is that the device will finally be made available to Sprint customers. With speculation building, Sprint has reportedly issued a memo to staffers instructing them how to respond to customer queries about the iPhone… with a “no comment.” [More]

Steve Jobs Surprises No One By Having His Name On 313

Steve Jobs Surprises No One By Having His Name On 313 Patents

As if you didn’t know, it takes a lot of hard work and ingenuity to design products the whole world has fits of joy over. Also, you better own those ideas if you’re going to sell them! So it’s not surprising that Steve Jobs, Apple CEO from 1887 until he stepped down this week, has his name on 313 patents. [More]

Flashback To 1985: Consumer Reports Reviews The Original Macintosh

Flashback To 1985: Consumer Reports Reviews The Original Macintosh

Reflecting on Steve Jobs’ abrupt departure from the CEO position at Apple yesterday, our elder siblings at Consumer Reports reminisced about iconic products of the Jobs era. They reached back into the archives and found the January 1985 review of the original Macintosh: “Is this the computer you already know how to use?” asked the headline. Maybe. While the operating system then seemed like “a dazzling display of technical wizardry,” they deemed the Atari 800XL a better choice for writing long(ish) documents. [More]

Steve Jobs Stepping Down As Apple CEO

Steve Jobs Stepping Down As Apple CEO

Steve Jobs, the co-founder, CEO and public face of Apple, announced on Wednesday that he is leaving his position atop the computer and personal electronics giant. [More]

Report: Apple Working On iPad 3 For Early 2012

Report: Apple Working On iPad 3 For Early 2012 Release

As Apple’s iPad continues to sit atop the tablet market, a new report says the computer company is already ordering parts for the device’s next iteration. [More]

New App Lets iPhone & iPad Users View Flash Video

New App Lets iPhone & iPad Users View Flash Video

One of the major knocks against Apple’s iPhone and iPad devices is that their operating systems would not support playback of video in Adobe’s popular Flash format. But earlier today, the makers of the Skyfire mobile browser released an app that will give these devices that much-desired functionality. [More]

Apple App Store Charges Over And Over Again For New Operating System

Apple App Store Charges Over And Over Again For New Operating System

Apple’s new version of Mac OS has some new and exciting features, and for Mac fans is a bargain at only $30. It is not, however, worth three times that. Or even $4,000. That’s what some customers have paid, without exactly meaning to. More than one person has come forward complaining that their PayPal accounts, linked to their iTunes accounts, are getting charged for their purchase of OS 10.7 Lion over. And over. And over. [More]

Man Uses Goat, Pizza & Darth Vader Costume To Test Limits Of Apple Store's Hospitality

Man Uses Goat, Pizza & Darth Vader Costume To Test Limits Of Apple Store's Hospitality

With the exception of some odd, headline-making incidents, the general image of the Apple Store, especially those here in New York City, is one of “do what you want so long as you don’t break or steal anything.” Thus, armed with a video camera and some livestock, one man wanted to see if Apple Store staffers were willing to shrug off his antics. [More]

China Shuts Down Two Fake Apple stores

China Shuts Down Two Fake Apple stores

Chinese officials moved to shut down two detailed fake Apple stores in Kumnmig after a blogger’s post exposing the counterfeits went viral. [More]

Completely Fake Apple Stores Found In China

Completely Fake Apple Stores Found In China

An American blogger living in the middle of China was amazed to stumble across a fake Apple store in her town. It was a complete counterfeit of a real Apple store, designed to look like the real thing. It had signage, and employees walking around in the iconic blue shirts with those lanyard nametags. It had the big long wooden tables with Apple products on them and the typical Apple store winding staircase. But certain details were off. [More]

Expedia Denies Refund Even Though Hotel Was Closed

Expedia Denies Refund Even Though Hotel Was Closed

This summer, Abe went on a trip through Europe this summer with his wife and kids. One night, he made a hotel reservation using the Expedia iPhone app. But when he arrived at the place, it was already past check-in time and no one was around. When he called Expedia for a refund, they said no, because the check-in time was disclosed on their website, even though that information was not available through the iPhone app at all. [More]

Judge Allows Amazon To Keep Using Appstore Name For Now

Judge Allows Amazon To Keep Using Appstore Name For Now

The legal war between Apple and Amazon over the term “App Store” continues, but a judge has handed the most recent battle to the e-tailer, denying Apple’s request for a preliminary injunction against Amazon’s online Appstore. [More]