When it comes to the work week, Friday pretty much has Favorite Day locked down. But according to sources inside Consumerist, that happy day could get even better with one simple step: Signing up for the weekly Consumerist newsletter, delivered fresh to your email inbox every Friday. [More]

Attention, Austin: Consumerist Is Hiring Technology Folks
You’re reading this site right now, if these words are beaming through your eyeballs into your brain — and you could be working for it, if you’ve got the technological savvy and happen to live in Austin, Texas. [More]

Final Reminder: Consumerist Is Hiring In D.C.
We’ve already received a lot of applications for our new editorial position based in Washington, D.C., but we want to make sure we hear from as many qualified candidates as possible, so here’s a final reminder to get your resume in before we begin the vetting process. [More]

Consumerist Is Hiring In D.C.!
A short while back, we mentioned that Consumerist was looking for a freelance writer based in the Washington, D.C., area. We’ve subsequently put some more thought into that position and realized it should be a full-time staff job (one that is not subject to federal sequesters and furloughs). So if you’re based in or around D.C. and want to be an integral part of the Consumerist team, get your CVs ready! [More]

Kiplinger's Dubs Consumerist "Best Consumer Blog"
Kiplinger’s picked Consumerist.com as “Best Consumer Blog” for their annual “Best List” featured in the December 2010 issue. Flip to the top of page 80 and you’ll see they say we are the “always useful, frequently fun and deliciously snarky place to get the latest on a wide array of consumer issues.” Awww, shucks. [More]

"Elite" Shoppers Ignore Logos, Focus On Subtle Signals
Listen hun, your Gucci bag and Burbury scarf aren’t fooling anyone. Sophisticated shoppers, the ones you’re pretending to be, they know better. According to a recent study, the elite among us skip past the logos and instead focus on subtle cues like distinctive designs and details to figure out who’s truly high brow. [More]

Update Your Consumerist RSS Feed
No new posts will appear after this one on the old RSS feed. Thank you!

A Few Spaces Left For Consumerist Party Tuesday
There’s about 30 spots left if you want to go to the Consumerist/Consumer Reports party/panel-discussion this Tuesday night from 6-8pm at the 92Y at 200 Hudson in New York, NY. Come Hear Ben Popken, Craigslist founder Craig Newmark, MSNBC’s Red Tape Chronicles Bob Sullivan, and The Daily Beast’s Rachel Sklar. Moderated by Consumer Reports Editorial Director Kevin McKean, the topic is “Defending The Endangered Consumer: High Impact Journalism in a Low-Budget Era.” Also in attendance, Consumerist bloggers Meg Marco, Carey Greenberg-Berger, Chris Walters, Alex Chasick and Laura Northrup. Should be a good time. RSVP for a free drink at rsvp@consumerist.com.

Alert: You Cannot Buy Consumerist With Doodle Money
Our post last Friday gave people some great business ideas. We appreciate the offers, but we must insist that you do not try to purchase Consumerist with doodle currency that you have minted yourself, probably while drinking. You can, however, try to bail out the auto industry with it if you want.

Do You Suffer From CLH? (Consumer Learned Helplessness)
Did you know that you can learn to be helpless? These days, a lot of people are showing signs of a new disease called CLH, or Consumer Learned Helplessness. Here’s how it works.

Easily Phone An Entire Congressional Committe
Committee Caller is a free service that lets you easily call an entire congressional committee. Just select the House or Senate committee, or subcommittee, and entire your phone number. Click the “put me in touch with democracy” button to activate. The system then calls you after it’s connected your call to that representatives front office. Press asterisk to end the call. Then rate the call by pressing 0-5, 5 being the best, and the system moves on to calling the next committee member. A neat way to make your voice heard, (like telling them to support the Arbitration Fairness Act), though our primer on writing to Congress is pretty great, too.

Consumerist Prevents You From Getting Mugged?
Reader Geoff was at a gas station with his girlfriend when a shady looking dude approached them and started asking for money so he could pay someone to unlock his car and free the 11 month-old kid whom he’d locked inside… in a dark corner of the next parking lot over. Hm. Was he telling the truth? Geoff writes:
Dear Consumerist,
Consumerist Comments Beta Test Begins Later Today
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed that Consumerist has been without reader comments for the last 12 months. We’re pleased to announce that today we are launching a beta test of the new system and will hopefully be rolling it out to all readers in the coming weeks. [More]