air travel

You Can Bid On Logo And Name From Former United Airlines HQ

You Can Bid On Logo And Name From Former United Airlines HQ

United Airlines hasn’t just changed its logo in the wake of its merger with Continental; it’s also moved to a new office. And since the huge UNITED logo sitting on the former office building is now out-of-date, why not auction it off for a good cause? [More]


JetBlue Founder Says He’s Not Trying To Buy His Old Airline Back

There are reports coming out of Brazil that JetBlue founder David Neeleman is putting together an investment fund with the purpose of acquiring the company he left five years ago and merging it with his Brazilian startup carrier, but Neeleman says that’s all a lot of hot air. [More]


Which Airlines Have The Most WiFi-Enabled Flights?

By now, most of us are used to having Internet access wherever we go, but a majority of flights by the major U.S. airlines still don’t offer in-flight WiFi access to passengers. And your likelihood of finding WiFi on a plane all depends on which airline you’re flying on that day. [More]

(Bill Binns)

The TSA’s Solution For My Reluctance To Open Baby Food Jars? A Pat-Down

While we’re not fans of hands-on pat-downs from security, we understand that they exist as an alternative or a supplement to being screened at a scanner. But one Consumerist reader wants to know why a pat-down would be viewed as a way to ensure that he’s not carrying explosive materials in baby food jars. [More]

Priceonomics' comparison of hotel room rates and Airbnb rates for Philadelphia.

Are You Really Saving Money When You Get A Room From Airbnb?

Some people prefer home-sharing services like Airbnb over hotels because they would rather stay in a cozy apartment than in a sealed-up room with of a chain hotel. Others choose these services because they feel they are saving money over the cost of a traditional hotel, but how much you save — or if you’re saving at all — depends on where you stay and how you book your hotels. [More]


American Airlines To Squeeze Even More Passengers Onto Planes

Things are about to get even cozier on 3/5 of American Airlines’ jets, as the carrier has announced it will be making squeezing in some additional coach seats on its Boeing 737 and MD-80 aircraft. [More]


Report: United Airlines Passenger Restrained After Saying He Poisoned Everyone On Plane

Here’s some news apparently coming from a United Airlines flight that hasn’t even landed yet. According to news reports, a passenger on the flight from Hong Kong to Newark had to be restrained after making an announcement that he’d poisoned everyone on board. [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Southwest Wins Customer Over With $75 Voucher She Didn’t Ask For

We’ve said it before and we’re about to say it again — Proactively reaching out to customers who’ve had a bad experience will (almost) always be more effective than trying to apologize and make good later. To illustrate that point, we bring you the short story of Alexandria and Southwest Airlines. [More]

Pittsburgh Penguins Fans Upset After JetBlue Pilot Hears Crying Baby, Asks If It’s Sidney Crosby

Pittsburgh Penguins Fans Upset After JetBlue Pilot Hears Crying Baby, Asks If It’s Sidney Crosby

Some angry Pittsburgh Penguins fans are calling for a boycott of JetBlue after a pilot on a flight to Boston made a crack over the intercom equating Penguins star Sidney Crosby with a crying baby. [More]

The baggage and Economy Plus subscriptions vary greatly depending on where you plan to travel.

United Airlines Now Offering Annual Subscriptions For Upgrades

Just about everything on an airplane that used to be part of the ticket price is now considered an “upgrade.” Now United Airlines is offering regular customers a chance to buy subscriptions that cover a year’s worth of checked bags and access to less-uncomfortable Economy Plus seats. [More]

Teen Sues United Airlines, Says Flight Attendants Didn’t Heed Complaints About Self-Pleasuring Passenger

Teen Sues United Airlines, Says Flight Attendants Didn’t Heed Complaints About Self-Pleasuring Passenger

Last October, a then-17-year-old girl was flying on United from NYC to L.A. when she claims she spotted a nearby male passenger making love to himself under a blanket. She says she twice complained to flight attendants, but to no avail. Now she’s suing the nation’s largest airline over the alleged incident. [More]

Airports Say More Travelers Are Faking Need For Wheelchairs Just To Get Through Lines Faster

Airports Say More Travelers Are Faking Need For Wheelchairs Just To Get Through Lines Faster

The law requires that airlines provide free wheelchair assistance to anyone who requests it; no documentation or evidence of injury required. And a growing number of unscrupulous travelers are taking advantage of this system, faking injuries and disabilities to get preferential treatment at security checkpoints and at the gate. [More]

Spirit CEO Ben Baldanza believes a low price is the same as good customer service.

Spirit Airlines Comes In Dead Last In Latest Ratings, CEO Still Delusional

Earlier today, our lunch buddies at Consumer Reports released their roundup of the major U.S.-based commercial airlines. And, in what will be a shock to almost no one who follows the travel industry, Spirit received the lowest possible rating in each of the survey’s six categories. The CEO’s response: “We have great customer service.” [More]


Spirit Airlines Only U.S. Carrier To Make List Of World’s Worst

Spirit Airlines can call itself the “most consumer-friendly airline” all it wants, but that won’t change public opinion of the discount carrier. And a new round-up of the world’s worst-rated airlines would seem to confirm that Spirit is far from living up to its own description. [More]

Southwest Passenger Learns The Hard Way That Not All Checked Bags Are Treated Equally

Southwest Passenger Learns The Hard Way That Not All Checked Bags Are Treated Equally

In spite of all the technological developments in logistics and air travel, passengers’ bags still get lost, damaged, or stolen. Luckily there are remedies in place for such instances, allowing the passenger to be reimbursed for his or her loss. But many travelers may not know that these protections don’t apply to all checked bags. [More]


Giving Up 1″ In Legroom Earns Southwest Up To $770 Million A Year

Not so long ago, Southwest began readjusting the seats on its fleet of Boeing 737 jets, getting rid of 1″ of legroom for each passenger in order to squeeze in an additional six seats. Your initial thoughts might be that this a lot of work for just a few more seats, but when you add it up, you’re talking nearly three quarters of a billion dollars a year. [More]


Satirical FAA Report On Spirit Airlines Is Scarily Accurate

The Federal Aviation Administration would undoubtedly get more respect from the public if it was as obscenely candid as it is in this Onion article about how horrible the airlines handle customers. Our favorite line: “The FAA has come to the determination that Spirit Airlines treats its customers like pieces of sh!t and that everyone should boycott this airline.” [via The Onion] [More]


UPDATE: Travel Insurer Decides To Listen To Customer’s Doctor After Public Shaming

Last month, we told you about a California woman whose travel insurance claim was denied because the insurance company posed her doctor a single yes/no question rather than let him explain his patient’s condition. After being shamed in public, the insurer is changing its tune — at least for this case. [More]