Since Comcast announced it would be buying Time Warner Cable, we’ve brought you story after story highlighting the various reasons that the merger should be stopped. But for all the thousands of words, charts, graphs and maps we’ve used, none has summed up the reason for blocking the merger than a recent quote from a former Kabletown staffer. [More]
the truth hurts

Satirical FAA Report On Spirit Airlines Is Scarily Accurate
The Federal Aviation Administration would undoubtedly get more respect from the public if it was as obscenely candid as it is in this Onion article about how horrible the airlines handle customers. Our favorite line: “The FAA has come to the determination that Spirit Airlines treats its customers like pieces of sh!t and that everyone should boycott this airline.” [via The Onion] [More]

Bank Of America Has Gotten So Bad, It's Hard To Tell Satire From Reality
Bank of America may have avoided the stain of the Worst Company In America Golden Poo for the second year in a row, but the perennial runner-up still has plenty of haters out there, including some who put together, a satire site that will probably be taken down any minute now. [More]

Verizon Guy Tells Me The Customer Is No Longer Always Right
Let’s face it — the maxim “the customer is always right” never really held true. But still it was nice and polite for managers and customer service reps to at least pretend they had customers’ needs in mind. So it’s distressing yet oddly comforting to hear the bluntness in which A Verizon CSR handled Sean: [More]