air travel

O'Hare's airplane-themed play area.

5 Airports Where Being Stuck With Your Kids Might Not Be An Absolute Nightmare

While none of us at Consumerist have kids — that we’ll legally admit to — we’ve traveled with other people’s youngsters, and we’ve watched in jaw-dropped horror at the antics of some bored, confined children at airports. Thankfully, there are some airports that provide a place for traveling terrors to blow off steam without irritating grumpy grown-ups like me. [More]


Passenger Sues Virgin America After Contentious Soda Order Gets Him Detained At Airport

What began as a dispute about ordering an in-flight soda apparently got to the point where the crew on a Virgin America jet felt that a passenger needed to be questioned by authorities upon landing. Now that passenger has sued the airline, alleging that Virgin America made false accusations about his behavior. [More]


American Airlines Apologizes To Mom Over Breast Pump Brouhaha

American Airlines is doing the apology two-step after learning that the mother of a young child was told by a flight attendant that she could not use her breast pump on board a recent flight to Chicago. [More]

No, You Did Not Randomly Win A Vacation From Travelocity

No, You Did Not Randomly Win A Vacation From Travelocity

Remember when we told you about the scammers out to trick people into thinking they’d won travel vouchers from the nonexistent (at least in the U.S.) United Airways? Since then we’ve heard of two apparently separate-but-similar scams using the Travelocity name to deceive unsuspecting consumers. [More]


Travel Insurer Knows Which Question To Ask Doctor In Order To Deny Claim

When you’re buying a non-refundable plane ticket, it can be very tempting to fork over the few extra dollars to pay for travel insurance so that you’ll be able to get your money back in the case of an emergency like a medical crisis. But as easy as it is to click on that box and sign up for the plan, the insurance companies don’t always make it easy when it comes time to file a claim. [More]


Shocker: Having Fewer Air-Traffic Controllers On The Job Results In Flight Delays

We probably don’t need to tell you, especially if you’re reading this on your phone while waiting for your flight, but when you cut the hours of the people whose job it is to control air-traffic, you’re probably going to end up with some traffic jams. [More]


FAA Warns That Upcoming Furloughs Could Affect Thousands Of Flights Per Day

With a slew of air-traffic controller furloughs set to kick in on Sunday, the Federal Aviation Administration has given the airline industry the heads-up that these staffing shortages could affect upwards of 7,000 flights every day at the nation’s busiest airports. [More]

A scene from "Alex Cross," the movie that parents on the United flight complained about.

‘Alex Cross’ Director Agrees With Passengers Who Think Movie Shouldn’t Be Shown During Flights

Last week, some United passengers claimed their plane was diverted and they were taken off the flight because they complained about a violent movie being shown on screens that everyone could see. Now the director of that movie says those parents were right to be unhappy about their young boys seeing the film. [More]

Judge Tells Outgoing American Airlines CEO He’s Not Getting $20 Million Payout

Judge Tells Outgoing American Airlines CEO He’s Not Getting $20 Million Payout

A couple weeks back, the federal bankruptcy judge overseeing American Airlines’ attempts to get back to profitability approved the carrier’s merger with US Airways but held off on giving approval to a proposed $19.9 million payout to American CEO Tim Horton, who will be out of a job if the merger goes through. Last night, the judge finally got around to ruling on that matter, and it was probably a sad evening in the Horton house. [More]

This is the sort of misleading letter being sent out -- under numerous company names -- promising travel vouchers, but which is really just bait to get people to pay to join a travel club.

No, You Didn’t Earn Two Free Travel Vouchers From ‘United Airways’

For at least the last year, something calling itself ‘United Airways’ — which is the name of a regional carrier in Asia that has nothing to do with this story — has been sending out versions of the above letter to consumers, promising free reward travel, but both the airline industry and the Better Business Bureau say it’s nothing but a scam. [More]


United Says It’s Reviewed Its In-Flight Entertainment After Kicking Family Off Flight For Complaining

We told you yesterday about the parents who claim their complaints about the appropriateness of the movie shown on a United flight resulted in their plane being re-routed and them being questioned by authorities. Today, the airline gives a very brief statement of its side of the story. [More]

Bankruptcy Court Signs Off On US Airways/American Merger, But Not On $20 Million Payout To Outgoing CEO

Bankruptcy Court Signs Off On US Airways/American Merger, But Not On $20 Million Payout To Outgoing CEO

Yet another hurdle in the race to the altar for American Airlines and US Airways has been cleared, with the bankruptcy court giving its blessing on the matter, but reserving judgment on a proposed $19.9 million payout to outgoing CEO Tom Horton. [More]

FAA May Finally Stop Being Such Pains In The Butt About Some Electronics During Takeoff

FAA May Finally Stop Being Such Pains In The Butt About Some Electronics During Takeoff

Back in December, the Federal Communications Commission wrote to their pals at the Federal Aviation Administration about reconsidering its hard-and-fast rules regarding the use of approved electronics during takeoff and landing. Looks like the FAA might be getting the message. [More]


JetBlue Passenger Charged With Putting Hand Under Sleeping Woman’s Skirt

A female passenger on a JetBlue flight from San Francisco To New York City says the man sitting next to her made feeble attempts to flirt with her before inappropriately putting his hand under her skirt while she slept. The man’s defense isn’t exactly convincing. [More]


Not Putting Anything In The Overhead Bin? American Airlines Is Seeing What Happens If You Board First

One thing that ticks off a lot of seasoned business travelers is waiting to board a plane because the passengers in front of you are busy futzing around with squeezing their probably too-large carry-ons into the overhead bins. But now American Airlines is testing to see what happens when it gives priority boarding to travelers who won’t be using the overhead storage. [More]

Tom Horton is probably not smiling so much this morning

American Airlines Trustee Looks At $20 Million Payout To Outgoing CEO, Says There’s Some Explaining To Do

Though so much of the news about American Airlines has been about its impending nuptials to more financially stable suitor US Airways, let’s not forget that the airline is still clawing its way out of bankruptcy protection. Which is why the trustee put in charge of this process thinks someone should have to explain why outgoing the American CEO is being rewarded to the tune of $19.9 million. [More]


Study: Southwest Is Often Only The Least-Expensive Option If You’re Checking Bags

In spite of the fact that Southwest Airlines is now one of the largest airlines in the country, it still has a reputation among some consumers of being a plucky upstart that always offers cheaper fares than its old-school competitors, especially for business travelers. But a new study claims that Southwest passengers’ savings often depends on whether or not they check their bags. [More]

With much luv

Southwest Airlines Mails Lost Phone, Provides Outstanding Service And Terrible Poetry

Jane’s husband left his mobile phone behind on a Southwest Airlines plane. Oh, no! How sad! He had every reason to expect not to see it again, but someone turned it in to Lost and Found. The kind souls at Southwest mailed it back to him, enclosing a poem. We’re not saying that it was a good poem, but it’s certainly a thoughtful one. [More]