Quality & Safety

6,000 Panasonic Laptops Recalled

6,000 Panasonic Laptops Recalled

Out of concern that the batteries might combust, Panasonic announced a recall of Japanese models of CF-W4G Let’s Note W4 laptop sold between April and May 2005.

GE Lethargic In Aiding Fiery Dishwasher Recall

GE Lethargic In Aiding Fiery Dishwasher Recall

Doug just wants his dishwasher to burn his house down. He adds an expletive before house in his letter, but this is a family blog, after all. The CPSC sent Doug a letter telling him to contact GE as he had a dishwasher affected by the recall. One case of the dishwasher catching on fire and causing minor property damage was reported, but GE didn’t seem to care much, submitting Doug to a byzantine maze of rotting phone trees and callous reps. It was only after Doug lied to the phone tree was he able to get traction on his issue.

2006 Jeep Cherokee Is The Best Car Ever… To Run Over Little Kids

2006 Jeep Cherokee Is The Best Car Ever… To Run Over Little Kids

It’s debatable, the best automobile in the world. So many contenders. Do you go for gas efficiency? Sleek looks? The powerful throbbing of its engine? Whether or not it can transform into a giant robot?

Please Copy 415 Serial Numbers To Complete Your Apple Battery Recall

Please Copy 415 Serial Numbers To Complete Your Apple Battery Recall

Paul is the tech guy at an all-Mac private school and he’s more steaming than a self-immolating battery.

FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B

FDA Approves Over The Counter Plan B

Consumers everywhere can now put down their Siphilum divining rods, the Food and Drug Administration gave thumbs up for a next-day pregnancy prevention pill without prescription.

Dell Has Something Important to Tell The Consumerist About Blazing Batteries

Dell Has Something Important to Tell The Consumerist About Blazing Batteries

Seems our lil ol blog has finally raised the ire of Dell. A day that will go down in history. John Q. Pope, acting as media relator for Dell, wants to correct a post of ours, “Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions.”

Apple Battery Exchange Call Center Kinda Busy Right now

Apple Battery Exchange Call Center Kinda Busy Right now

Apple Recalls G4 Batteries

Apple Recalls G4 Batteries

Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions

Dell Battery Recall May Not End Explosions

Even if you sent your Dell battery back before it could explode and tear off half your face, you still may not be in the clear. Some computer engineers are pointing out that computer architecture might have just as much to do with the exploding Dell laptop.

Dell Recalls 4.1M Exploding Laptop Batteries

Dell Recalls 4.1M Exploding Laptop Batteries

The Land of Maiming Misfit Toys

The Land of Maiming Misfit Toys

Toys have gotten a lot less interesting now that safety standards are more rigorous. The days of accidental maimings, scaldings, immolations and gougings are over. What are you to give that sniveling, obnoxious brat nephew of yours for his birthday now?

Heed Battery Recalls: Apple Powerbook

Heed Battery Recalls: Apple Powerbook

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

A new study analyzing hospital prescriptions shows startling and potentially deadly trends.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Or ‘Look! There’s Lithium-Ion Leaking Into Your Lap!’

IKEA: Like Design, Life is Cheap

IKEA: Like Design, Life is Cheap

It used to be that owning IKEA just meant enduring some Fight Club barbs. A new product recall threatens to take away your ability to even turn the catalogue pages (which you read just for the articles).

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”



It’s the weekend, and time to party. Therefore, tonight’s dangling odds and ends are presented in scream format.


• Buying a wedding dress on Craiglist is cheap, but you also have to factor in the cost of removing the boob padding. [Another Fucking Wedding] “Wedding dress redux”