There was an “anomaly” today during testing of a SpaceX rocket at Cape Canaveral… the kind of “anomaly” that creates a spectacular fireball, goes “BOOM,” and leaves a smoke plume in the sky. Happily, nobody was hurt during the incident. However, one very expensive piece of high-profile technology went BOOM along with. [More]

T-Mobile Opens LTE Gates, Gives Customers Unlimited Access For 3 Months
It used to be that mobile phone customers actually talked on our phones a lot, and carriers limited our minutes while giving us unlimited data for our feature phones or Blackberries. Now, it’s the reverse: we have unlimited voice minutes, but limited data. As part of another attention-getting promotion, T-Mobile has announced that it plans to offer current Simple Choice customers unlimited LTE data for the next three months. [More]

Explodeproof Battery Production Spikes
Matsushita announced plans to mass-produce a laptop battery that won’t explode.

Paypal Bombed
Last night, an explosion rocked Paypal’s network operations center, blasting windows and leaving a haze in its wake.
Apple Battery Recalls Encourage Prolonging Immolation Risk
My wife just (six weeks later) got her new battery from Apple for her Powerbook G4. The instructions on the printed materials that came with the new battery stated that the old battery had to be drained prior returning. Suggested ways to do this: play a dvd, play a CD or play the Chess game computer vs. computer.
Replacement Apple Batteries Have Their Own Problems
The fun isn’t over for some Apple Powerbook G4 owners affected by the recent battery recall. Not only did some replacement batteries not power systems correctly, others don’t even fit flush with the laptops.

Plastic Battery Invented!
Engineers at Brown have invented a battery that uses plastic, instead of metal, to conduct electricty. The new device, “marries the power of a capacitor with the storage capacity of a battery.”

Please Copy 415 Serial Numbers To Complete Your Apple Battery Recall
Paul is the tech guy at an all-Mac private school and he’s more steaming than a self-immolating battery.