Government Policy

Heed Battery Recalls: Apple Powerbook

Heed Battery Recalls: Apple Powerbook

Joe Francis: Girls Gone Wild Founder, Violent Thug, Rapist

Joe Francis: Girls Gone Wild Founder, Violent Thug, Rapist

Breasts make men crazy. The hypnotic jiggling of rose-tipped orbs have been enough to make men do all sorts of insane things: bungee jump, wear leather pants, claim to have coined the phrase “Pardon my French.”

Say Cheese! You’re About To Be Robbed.

Say Cheese! You’re About To Be Robbed.

Making a withdrawal? An amateur photographer in the bank lobby pointing his camera at you? It might be best not to pose with those large, pregnant sacks, swollen with wads of cash and tattooed with dollar symbols. Smile! Say Cheese! You’re about to be robbed.

Mighty Morphin’ Tax Shelters Foil IRS

Mighty Morphin’ Tax Shelters Foil IRS

The NYT reports that tax cheating by the supperich may be so pervasive that the government doesn’t even have enough resources to fight it.

Christian Radio Goes Porn

Christian Radio Goes Porn

Listeners to Kingsburg, California based radio station KFYE were shocked a week ago when their favorite Christian radio station effortlessly switched between playing Carmen’s seminal Christian rap hit ‘Who’s In Da House? (Jay Cee!)’ to muculousy shlorking and the synchronized moans of vaginal pumping after the midnight changeover. KFYE FM 106.3 had just gone porn radio.

Vardan Kushnir, This Is Your Life!

Vardan Kushnir, This Is Your Life!

Vardan Kushnir, Russia’s spam king. He sent out over 25 million emails a day, finally ending in an open battle with Russia’s Deputy Minister of Communications in which the Deputy Minister had to concede defeat.

IRS to Cut 50% of Rich People Auditors

IRS to Cut 50% of Rich People Auditors

The federal government is moving towards cutting half of the IRS workers who audit the wealthiest Americans’ returns.

MPAA Finally Sues The Wrong Guy

MPAA Finally Sues The Wrong Guy

Nine times out of ten, you can just walk up to anyone on the street and punch them right in the face, scot-free. Hey, go try it. The nonconfrontational pansy on the other end will sputter impotently for a few minutes, speechless as he tries to comprehend the unexpected development, then finally squeal, “Hey, man! Like what the fuck!”

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

Study Reveals Poison Pill Among Hospital Prescriptions

A new study analyzing hospital prescriptions shows startling and potentially deadly trends.

Reader Wants A Job. We Give Him One!

Reader Wants A Job. We Give Him One!

In an email with the subject “b.s. economy,” reader Leo whined to us:

FCC Investigates Calls From a Stranger

FCC Investigates Calls From a Stranger

The second of two blows dealt this week to the Miami telemarketers autodialing people’s cellphones and trying to scam them. It seems the FCC is actually looking into the matter. All it took was a few months, Verizon to file an injunction, and a few gajillion consumer complaints, like those by reader Chris.

Daily Show Explains Net Neutrality

“The point is that with net neutrality all internet packets – whether they come from a big company or a single citizen – are treated in the exact same way.”

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Dell: Liar, Liar, Laptop on Fire.

Or ‘Look! There’s Lithium-Ion Leaking Into Your Lap!’

IKEA: Like Design, Life is Cheap

IKEA: Like Design, Life is Cheap

It used to be that owning IKEA just meant enduring some Fight Club barbs. A new product recall threatens to take away your ability to even turn the catalogue pages (which you read just for the articles).

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

UPDATE: Petty Power Trips at Dulles Airport

Last month, we wrote about crazy, wild-eyed technohippy Edward Hasbrouck’s harassment by power-tripping rent-a-cops employed by the TSA. He’s followed it up with a complete copy of his dialogue with TSA officials subsequent to the entire ridiculous fiasco.

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

The News; Uniquely Toxic and Loving It

• Apparently, Florida is at a bit of a risk for grapefruit bruising. [CT] “State Farm to hike Florida rates 53%”

Nightline Brings in the RECAP Brigade

Nightline Brings in the RECAP Brigade

After Ben’s appearance on Nightline on Friday, our email box was inundated with tips and complaints, words of support and pleas for help from hundreds of consumerists, newly brought to the fold. We also got many confused emails from people calling us “Vinnie” and some astonishing rants from exactly the sort of bleary-eyed crazies who sit around at midnight, typing up emails to guys they just saw on the telly.

Mice On A Plane

Mice On A Plane

The next time you fly American Airline’s friendly skies, you might want to bring a mouse trap.