Government Policy



It’s the weekend, and time to party. Therefore, tonight’s dangling odds and ends are presented in scream format.

Oklahoma Lass Defeats RIAA

Oklahoma Lass Defeats RIAA

“It’s a Scandal! It’s an Outrage!”

Daily Show Ties Ted Stevens’ Tubes

Have no fear people, this crazy old politico isn’t in a position where his uninformed opinions might do harm, he’s only a member of the Senate commerce committee currently deciding on Net Neutrality.

Martini… Shaken, Not Laced With Drain-O

Martini… Shaken, Not Laced With Drain-O

Hello Lawsuit! A couple of drunken floozies and a friend were hospitalized for liquified organs and geysering gore out of their mouths after accidentally sucking down a couple of peach martinis… laced with cleaning powder instead of sugar.

The Taxman Is Really, Really, Wet

The Taxman Is Really, Really, Wet

Boon for those who filed their returns in used lunch sacks?


• Buying a wedding dress on Craiglist is cheap, but you also have to factor in the cost of removing the boob padding. [Another Fucking Wedding] “Wedding dress redux”

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

The News Wins a Kosher Kitchen

• Ebay prez pledges to get rid of those 95 cent items with $50 shipping costs. [Ebay]

The Internet Is Made of Tubes

The Internet Is Made of Tubes

No matter what you think of the Net Neutrality hub-bub — an insidious plot by clueless telecoms petulantly whining because their role on the web has been denigrated to that of mere pipes, or just the free-market at work — I think we can call agree that Senator Ted Stevens’ explanation of how the internet works stops just short of making it analogous to a stopped-up men’s room toilet:

Can You Hear Me Whisper Now?

n marquee boldface, a revised Verizon customer agreement arrived in customer’s email boxes last night, screamed that contract language was changed as part of settling a class-action lawsuit and that, “UNLESS YOU TELL US THAT YOU PREFER YOUR EXISTING CONTRACT LANGUAGE, HOWEVER, THIS NEW CUSTOMER AGREEMENT WILL REPLACE YOUR EXISTING CONTRACT LANGUAGE.”

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Portrait of an Idio… Er, Identity Thief

Meet Shiva Sharma. Husband, father, identity thief, inmate of the Mohawk Correctional Facility in Rome, New York. Shiva has no idea how much money he’s stolen from other people, but by the time of his third arrest for identity theft, he’d been nailed in connection with over $150,000 in credit card fraud transaction.

Can You Really Hijack An Airplane With A Belt?

Can You Really Hijack An Airplane With A Belt?

Edward writes:

Sometimes All We Want Is An Apology

Sometimes All We Want Is An Apology

Elizabeth Nowicki over at the legal blog Concurring Opinions has posted an interesting look at the role of corporate apologies in settling mass lawsuits, specifically in relation to the Vioxx and Bausch & Lomb litigations.

Insurer Offers RIAA Lawsuit Protection

Insurer Offers RIAA Lawsuit Protection

Are you a tired old granny who only uses the computer your daughter bought you once a week to buy groceries over Amazon and prowl around for action in #hotteengirls? A 14 year old who only uses it to get Wikipedia to write the occasional book report for you and find gullible men on MySpace to rob?

Girls Gone Wild Customers: “For God’s Sake! Stop Sending Me Boobs!”

Girls Gone Wild Customers: “For God’s Sake! Stop Sending Me Boobs!”

It’s a sad state of human affairs when a consumer — only willing to pay for the one-time privilege of seeing a few hundred breasts bouncing up and down — is instead enrolled into an ongoing program that smothers him in a jubbly, endless ocean of tits. Unfortunately, it’s a plight all too many consumers of the Girls Gone Wild series of tapes have to face every day.

Pith & Vinegar; Puddles of Cuddles

• Maybe they just ate too much turkey and got tired. [USAToday] “FDA issues fewer safety, quality citations”

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

ID Theft Much Cheaper Than Thought?

One number bandied with reckless abandon is $48 billion dollars, supposedly the total lost to identity theft. That’s lot of money.

The News; The Beat My Child Porn Skipped

The News; The Beat My Child Porn Skipped

• Maybe they should bring in Snoop Dogg, too. [CT] “GM goes back to 0% plan”

AT&T Owns Your Booty

AT&T Owns Your Booty

In a followup to “AT&T: All Your Phone Are Belong to Us“, the SF Gate interviewed some privacy wonks who say: