Government Policy

FAA Missing Info On 119,000 Planes

FAA Missing Info On 119,000 Planes

The FAA says its records are in such disarray that its afraid that criminals could buy planes “without the government’s knowledge” or use the registration numbers of other planes. The agency has ordered all aircraft owners to re-register. [More]

Target Recalls Camping Combo Packs Because Kids Are Not Meant To Be Roasted On The Campfire

Target Recalls Camping Combo Packs Because Kids Are Not Meant To Be Roasted On The Campfire

The Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued a recall of a kid’s camping kit sold at Target over a potential fire hazard. [More]

Govt Misprints Ton Of New $100s

Govt Misprints Ton Of New $100s

A printing error on the fancy new $100 bills means that nearly a billion are in storage until the government figures out how many to destroy. The paper got creased during printing, leaving a portion of Franklin’s face uninked. It’s a $110 billion boo-boo! [More]

Oops! I Made It Past The TSA Screeners With A 6-Inch Hunting Knife

Oops! I Made It Past The TSA Screeners With A 6-Inch Hunting Knife

While the TSA is busy rolling out full-body scanners and grope-y pat-down procedures, the agency still hasn’t managed to actually stop people from slipping onto airplanes with deadly weapons. [More]

What The New Tax Deal Means For You

What The New Tax Deal Means For You

Besides the Bush tax cuts getting stretched another two years, the proposed new Obama-GOP tax deal has other goodies in the bag for you. [More]

Feds Nab Satellite-Smuggling Microsoft Contractor

Feds Nab Satellite-Smuggling Microsoft Contractor

Someone forgot to pay attention to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, which teaches that giving Slugworth an everlasting gobstopper will lead directly to ruin. In a sting operation, the FBI arrested an alleged satellite smuggler who did contract work for Microsoft. [More]

Why Don’t The Calories On This Mountain Dew Bottle Add Up?

Why Don’t The Calories On This Mountain Dew Bottle Add Up?

Eagle-eyed reader Brian was sitting back and enjoying an ice-cold Mountain Dew when he noticed that something seemed funny about the math on the Nutrition Facts label. [More]

Homeland Security & Walmart Team Up To Fight Terrorism In The Checkout Line

Homeland Security & Walmart Team Up To Fight Terrorism In The Checkout Line

In a move that makes virtually no sense whatsoever, the Department of Homeland Security has announced a partnership with Walmart “to help the American public play an active role in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.” [More]

Feds Arrest Online Seller Who Tried To Drive Up Google Ranking By Scaring People

Feds Arrest Online Seller Who Tried To Drive Up Google Ranking By Scaring People

Pushing the “there’s no such thing as bad publicity” mentality to the extreme, an online retailer allegedly stalked and threatened customers in order to boost his search engine visibility. The seller reportedly went to such extremes that federal authorities stepped in and arrested him on charges of mail fraud, wire fraud, making interstate threats and cyberstalking. [More]

Supreme Court To Hear Walmart Gender Discrimination Suit

Supreme Court To Hear Walmart Gender Discrimination Suit

Given that Walmart is the country’s largest private employer it’s not terribly surprising that the U.S. Supreme Court has decided to have a look at the sex discrimination lawsuit filed against the retailer — the largest class-action suit of its kind in U.S. history. [More]

USDA Recalls 72,000 lbs Of Canned Chicken Salad

USDA Recalls 72,000 lbs Of Canned Chicken Salad

Time to find something else to eat for lunch. Packs of Bumble Bee Chicken Salads were recalled today as some of them may be “contaminated with pieces of hard plastic.” [More]

Get Up To $175 In The Clorox Bowl Cleaner Class Action

Get Up To $175 In The Clorox Bowl Cleaner Class Action

You can get up to $175 if you bought, used, or suffered property damage from using Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl cleaners, thanks to a class action settlement. [More]

Sen. Schumer Proposes Law Against Saving Full-Body Scans

Sen. Schumer Proposes Law Against Saving Full-Body Scans

While the Transportation Safety Administration and the makers of the controversial full-body scanners swear up and down that the machines don’t save the rather revealing images they snap of screened travelers, New York Senator Chuck Schumer wants to go one step further and make it a crime to distribute or save the images. [More]

How Do You Handle Undeserved Parking Tickets?

How Do You Handle Undeserved Parking Tickets?

It’s bad enough to be stuck with a parking ticket when you deserved to get dinged, but much worse when you were obeying the rules and still got hammered due to a glitch. [More]

Xbox Modding Case Dismissed

Xbox Modding Case Dismissed

Federal prosecutors dropped their case against a California man accused of modding Xboxes to to play pirated and unlicensed games. The reasons the lawyers gave were “fairness and justice,” which was a way of saying they screwed up the case. [More]

Lowe's Recalls 11 Million Roman Shades & Roll-Up Blinds

Lowe's Recalls 11 Million Roman Shades & Roll-Up Blinds

Roman shades and roll-up blinds have become the drop-side cribs of the home decor world. They’re a known risk and there have been industry-wide recalls, and yet they continue to be made (shoddily) and sold… only to be recalled. This time, it’s Lowe’s Home Centers recalling just about every Roman shade and roll-up blind it’s sold since 1999. [More]

Comcast's Letter To The FCC About Netflix Tollgate

Comcast's Letter To The FCC About Netflix Tollgate

Here is the letter Comcast sent the FCC after eyebrows were raised when Level 3 accused the cable company of setting up a effective tollgate to collect fees when L3 tried to deliver Netflix content to Comcast customers. [More]

Woman In Wheelchair Strips To Lingerie, Still Gets TSA Patdown

Woman In Wheelchair Strips To Lingerie, Still Gets TSA Patdown

In protest of the enhanced TSA pat-down, a woman arrived at the airport this week wearing only lacy black lingerie and holding her white poodle. She had hoped that if she “had nothing to hide” then she could avoid a pat-down. She failed in this endeavor. Naturally, it was captured by a fellow passenger and uploaded to YouTube. [More]