In a move that will push e-cigarettes outside with regular cigarettes, New York has banned vaping in any public indoor space that already prohibits traditional smoking. [More]
no vaping here

National Park Service Bans The Use Of E-Cigarettes Anywhere Smoking Is Prohibited
The National Park Service already prohibits smoking inside its buildings and in many outdoor spots included in its many miles of landholdings, and now vaping with an e-cigarette will be banned as well: the agency announced Monday that e-cigs can’t be used anywhere traditional smoking is already prohibited. [More]

L.A. City Council Votes To Ban Use Of E-Cigarettes In Public Places
Those on the left and right coasts might quibble over who has it better — 75 degrees and sunny all the time or not freaking out when it rains? — but there’s at least one thing Los Angeles and New York City have in common: You won’t be able to suck on an electronic cigarette in public in either place very soon. [More]