Crime & Fraud

Todd Kravos

Report: Gang Of Criminals Hacking Bank ATMs Has Stolen Up To $1B

Some of the world’s banks likely had a crummy Valentine’s Day after a new report from a computer-security firm came out this weekend, saying that a group of criminals has stolen millions of dollars since late 2013 from financial institutions in Russia, Eastern Europe and the United States. And it doesn’t seem like they’re done yet. [More]

When Pizza Hut Loses Your Order, Don’t Drive Your Car Into The Building

When Pizza Hut Loses Your Order, Don’t Drive Your Car Into The Building

Here’s the latest from the To-Go Food Overreaction File: Police in New York arrested a woman yesterday for smashing her car into a Pizza Hut after the eatery reportedly lost her order. [More]

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

Anthem Says Data From As Far Back As 2004 Exposed During Hack, Offering Free Identity Theft Protection

A week after health insurer Anthem announced that it was the latest victim of a security breach, the company revealed that hackers had access to tens of millions of customers’ data going back as far as 2004. [More]

Customers Rush To Use Grocery Store ATM Paying Out Double Cash

Customers Rush To Use Grocery Store ATM Paying Out Double Cash

Customers at a Morrisons grocery store in the United Kingdom received an exciting surprise if they went to take some money out of the store’s cash machine: it was paying out double. No, this is not a thing that was actually supposed to happen, but customers rushed to the store to take out some extra money…even though it would be fairly easy for the ATM owner and their banks to determine who had taken out more cash than they were entitled to. [More]

Waitress Caught Editing Customers’ Tips To Add $10 Or $20 For Herself

Waitress Caught Editing Customers’ Tips To Add $10 Or $20 For Herself

One good reason to pay your restaurant bill in cash: Tipped employees get that money right away without having to worry about being docked fees for card-processing. Another good reason: A scammy server can’t artificially inflate your credit card tip with some crafty work of the pen. [More]


Woman Convicted Of Stalking Couple Who Outbid Her On House Says Losing Dream Home Was “Devastating”

In a twist on the old haunted house tale, a couple in San Diego found themselves haunted by the ghost of a woman in their present, who was convicted of stalking them after they won a bidding war over a house. Though the woman says she didn’t intend do to any harm, the loss of her dream home was “devastating.” [More]

(Paxton Holley)

Police: Georgia’s Pizza Hut Fugitive Captured In Indiana

The prison inmate who managed to give his guards the slip while they were stopped at a Pizza Hut grabbing food in Georgia has been nabbed in Indiana, police say. Considering that’s where he was headed anyway, it all kind of works out, doesn’t it? [More]


Court Sentences Former Korean Air Executive To One Year In Prison For “Nut Rage” Incident

Showing that the country does not take it lightly when the upper-class behaves badly, a South Korean court just handed down a prison sentence of one year for the former Korean Air executive who went into an infamous “nut rage” over improperly served macadamias on a flight in December last year. [More]

Adam Fagen

IRS Issues List Of “Dirty Dozen” Scams Taxpayers Should Be On The Lookout For This Year

Each tax season fraudsters manage to separate taxpayers from billions of dollars by using aggressive schemes such as impersonating Internal Revenue Service agents or employing emails and websites designed to gather consumers’ personal information for fraudulent use. This year, the IRS has issued a list of the “Dirty Dozen” scams consumers should guard against. [More]

(The Joy of the Mundane)

California Authorities Stepping Up Efforts To Combat Cardboard Thefts

While you’ve heard of people swiping copper pipes or hauling away scrap metal to trade it in for cold hard cash, perhaps not so familiar to many is the crime of stealing cardboard set out for recycling and trash collectors. In California, authorities are now trying to cut down on the thefts, which could end up costing residents and shopkeepers by way of higher collection rates. [More]


IBM Report: Workers Using Dating Apps On Company Phones May Pose Security Risks

Whether you have a company-issued phone or you use your won for both work and play, finding love through dating apps on your device may increase the risk of a security breach for your employer, a new report from IBM says. [More]

Ohio Residents May Need To Take “Quiz” Before Getting State Tax Refunds

Ohio Residents May Need To Take “Quiz” Before Getting State Tax Refunds

If you’re an Ohio resident and you’re expecting a refund on your state taxes this spring, you might have to go online and take a personalized “quiz” in order to prove you are who you claim to be before you can get your money. [More]

(Mitchell Simpson on YouTube)

Video: Customer Head Butts Walmart Tax Worker During Argument In Store

No matter how unhappy you are with someone or something, violence is never the answer, people. A Walmart customer seen on video head-butting a Walmart employee during an argument, setting off an all out brawl, has been told by police not to come back to the store. [More]

(Chad Nordstrom)

The “Serial Stowaway” Strikes Again: Woman Hitches A Ride To Florida, Poses As Resort Guest

Police in Florida say a 62-year-old woman who’s been caught not once, but twice stowing away aboard a plane she definitely didn’t have a boarding pass to board or ticket to fly on has done it again. This time, police say the 63-year-old woman slipped aboard a flight in Minnesota bound for Florida, and impersonated a hotel guest once she got there for extra measure. [More]

(Ruff Start Rescue on Facebook)

Remorseful Thief Returns 3-Month Old Kitten Stolen From Pet Store With Apology Note

Don’t let the Valentine’s Day pressure get to you, friends. There’s no need to resort to stealing in order to let the ones you love know how you feel (try serving them pizza instead). As such, a remorseful kitten thief returned the pilfered feline to a Minnesota pet store with an apology note, explaining he had no money for a Valentine’s Day present. [More]


Police: Man Hoping To Cash Fraudulent Check Grabs $500 Another Drive-Thru ATM Customer Left Behind

Just because a whole bunch of cash unexpectedly ends up in your lap doesn’t mean it’s yours for the taking, because there is no such thing as a money fairy and those funds have to come from somewhere. Police say a Pennsylvania man was caught on camera first trying to cash a fake check for $1,900 at a drive-thru bank telling window and then instead, snagging $500 he found in the delivery tube and driving off. [More]

(Pixteca | Len & Pix【ツ】)

Beware What You Share: Cops Say Facebook Posts About Inheritance Inspired Robbery

When you’re posting on social media, you never really know who out there is reading your posts, watching and waiting for the perfect time to take advantage of your willingness to share the details of your life. So if you’ve suddenly come into a bunch of money, be careful where you go talking about that exciting news. [More]

(J.D. Falk)

Alert Safeway Employees Save Woman From Losing Thousands In IRS Back Taxes Scam

Only weeks after Internal Revenue Service officials announced that more than 290,000 consumers have fallen victim to an ongoing back taxes scam in the last 15 months, alert employees at a Safeway supermarket in Washington prevented a woman from being added to the list of victims. [More]