Kellogg Hints That Cocoa Krispies Will Save Your Kids From Swine Flu

Remember when the FDA was like, “Hey, General Mills, you’ve turned Cheerios into a drug?” This sort of reminds us of that. Now Kellogg is claiming on their new packaging that Cocoa Krispies will help your child’s “IMMUNITY.”

From USAToday:

Last week, San Francisco sent a letter to Kellogg and to the Food and Drug Administration asking Kellogg to prove its claim. “I am concerned the prominent use of the immunity claims to advertise a sugar-laden chocolate cereal like Cocoa Krispies may mislead and deceive parents of young children,” said Dennis Herrera, the city attorney.

Kellogg says the critics are wrong. Development of the line started more than a year ago, and it was rolled out in May 2009. “It was not created to capitalize on the current H1N1 flu situation,” spokeswoman Susanne Norwitz says. “Kellogg developed this product in response to consumers expressing a need for more positive nutrition.”

Apparently, Kellogg sprayed some more vitamins A, C and E on the sugary puffs as justification for the new marketing language.

What do you think?

Critics blast Kellogg’s claim that cereals can boost immunity [USAToday] (Thanks, Steve!)