Taco Bell Will Reportedly Use Super Bowl To Announce Year-Old “Quesalupa” Idea

Twitter user @uscgmitch sent us these images of his Quesalupa back in Feb. 2015.
BrandEating.com reports that the Quesalupa will launch during the Super Bowl on Feb. 7. Presumably, this is what the company was trying to tease in that heavily redacted not-really-a-press-release last week.
Even though the secret appears to have been spilled by this news, TB is going to try to drag out the news through more teasers and “ambiguous activities” in the run up to the big game. Then we’ll all see the commercial and continue gorging on whatever food is already in front of us.
Early reviews of the Quesalupa were fine but nothing to brag about — one reader told us that it tastes like a Chalupa, “but a lot more cheesy” — which makes us wonder why Taco Bell thinks this product is worth the advertising blitz. The company did manage to strike orange-colored gold with its Dorito-shelled tacos, but that was something that many Bell fans had been pipe-dreaming about for years.
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