Craft Store Decorates Festive Back-To-School Tree To Mark Important Holiday
Years ago, I temped for about six months in an office where an artificial evergreen tree in one lobby was always on display, decorated for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Memorial Day, or any other event that the tree’s owner felt like observing. I’m not sure whether that creative person or even the holiday mashup artists over at Hobby Lobby would have ever thought of this decoration that reader Jason recently shared with Consumerist, though.

Reader Jason tweeted this picture at us, knowing how much we love and hate holiday mashups. Sure, back-to-school isn’t really a holiday, but some parents see it that way. It’s also certainly an important season in retail, for stores that sell clothes and stores that sell notebooks.
The beauty and splendor of this Back to School Tree is in his local Flower Factory, which is a mini-chain of art and crafts supply superstores in Ohio. That would be a store into both pushing school supplies and showing off non-traditional tree-decorating ideas to plant in customers’ heads for Christmas.
Here are some of our other favorite holiday mashups:
- Conversation heart jelly beans
- Christmas jelly beans
- Easter chick candy corn and patriotic candy corn
- Halloween tree ornaments
- Easter egg nog, pumpkin spice nog, and Peeps milk.
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