The Fourth of July is over, and barbecue and pool supplies have sold out, so that leaves a large gap in the seasonal sections of all kinds of stores. Naturally, that means it’s time to haul out the Halloween decorations and merchandise, since there’s nothing better than a rack of skeletons and a shelf of pumpkin spice candles to remind you that summer will be over soon. [More]
halloween creep

Get Your Halloween Costumes And Plastic Pumpkins While They’re Still On Shelves
Time keeps moving whether we like it or not, and it’s almost the end of July. The patriotic party decorations and inflatable pool rafts have all sold, the school supplies that took their place in stores’ “seasonal” sections are starting to move, and they need something to fill that empty space on the shelf. That’s why we have Halloween in July. [More]

Oh Great, Here’s Another Halloween Candy Display In July
Just in case you thought it might be some kind of fluke that Walgreens had their Halloween candy out on July 21, we assure you that Walgreens isn’t alone in this sort of wacky midsummer merchandising. Nope: John sent along this photo taken in a Giant Eagle store of a display of seasonally-themed M&Ms and Snickers bars. [More]

Yes, Here’s A Full Halloween Candy Display At Walgreens
Jill knew that her blog readers wouldn’t believe what she had seen, even if she presented them with a photo. At her local Walgreens store, there was a full display of Halloween treats, including candy corn and Snickers pumpkins. Halloween. On July 21. Please, retailers, we’re still uncomfortable at seeing Back-to-School displays in the big-box stores! Don’t do this to us! [More]

Marketers Think It’s Time To Prepare Your Batches Of Halloween Cards
How early is “too early” for a store Halloween display? It used to be that seeing Halloween candy and merchandise on the shelves in July shocked us, but it no longer does. Are retailers wearing us down? Will they begin to stock costumes and pumpkin spice flavored foods even earlier, pairing Fourth of July and Halloween items as Halloween and Christmas are inevitably paired now? [More]

Start Decorating For Halloween In Early August Thanks To Dollar Tree
It’s the beginning of August, but maybe you like to plan ahead. You’ve already started to stock up on pumpkin spice snacks, and you even picked out your kid’s costume at Costco back in July. The logical next step? It’s time to start shopping for orange decorative lights, streamers, and pumpkin-shaped flashlights for trick-or-treating. At least, that’s what Dollar Tree thinks. [More]

Halloween Creep Strikes Costco With July Costume Displays
If you already finished all of your back-to-school shopping back in June when Staples started up its sale campaigns, maybe it’s time to get started on other ridiculously early holiday tasks. For example, it’s almost August: do you have your kids’ Halloween costumes ready? [More]

Here’s One Reason Why You Can Buy Plastic Skeletons In July
Reader Caiyyd wants to point something out regarding the Halloween Creep phenomenon that might make you feel better when you see plastic skeletons in July. Those decorations aren’t really for civilians: they’re for professional or semi-pro creators of haunted attractions. [More]

Halloween Started Creeping Up On Us In July
“Halloween Creep,” observes reader Jay. “It almost sounds like a dance some ghouls might do after the Monster Mash.” That’s not what the Halloween Creep is, though. It would be so much better if it were. Instead, it’s what happens when Consumerist readers are out enjoying their summer and stop in their tracks when they see Halloween merch out on store shelves. [More]

Rabid Dead Bat Discovered In Jo-Ann Fabric's Halloween Aisle
Cleanup needed, aisle three, Halloween decorations! What’s that? It’s a bat? A real, dead one? Oh, and it’s rabid. Gross, Jo-Ann Fabric. Just nasty. [More]