Deer Goes On Rampage Breaking Windows At Subway, Visiting Auto Repair Center

Lancaster Online reports that the buck jumped through a window of a local Subway restaurant Wednesday morning, jumping over the counter while thrashing around the store.
The whole ordeal lasted about 10 minutes or so before the large, antlered deer knocked out yet another window trying to escape.
Eventually, the deer made its way through a back door and smashed through the restaurant’s fence, employees tell the newspaper. No customers were in the restaurant at the time of the deer’s visit, but several employees were present getting ready for the day.
A manager for the restaurant says a motorist told employees he had hit the deer shortly before the animal began its journey to Subway.
After leaving Subway, the deer reportedly visited a nearby Auto Center. The owner of the shop tells LancasterOnline that no one was injured in the incident but that more damage was caused.
Sadly, local police report the deer did not survive the day’s events.
This isn’t the first time a deer wreaked havoc on a place of business this week. On Monday, Consumerist reported on a deer going buck wild inside a furniture store in Cedar Falls, IA.
Deer jumps through Columbia restaurant window [LancasterOnline]
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