Man Claims Mississippi McDonald’s Served Him Half-Eaten, Jelly Covered Muffin Instead Of Sausage Biscuit

A Mississippi man claims he received a half-eaten muffin covered in jelly from a local McDonald’s restaurant.
When you order a sausage biscuit from McDonald’s, it’s fairly reasonable to expect you’ll actually receive a sausage biscuit in your drive-thru bag. What a Mississippi man claims came in his bag, however, was a half-eaten English muffin with jelly – no sausage biscuit in sight.
The Clarion-Ledger reports the man stopped by a local McDonald’s restaurant on his way to an early morning college football game on October 4.
Although the man says his wife wanted him to turn around immediately to return the half-consumed breakfast item, he didn’t want to miss kickoff.
Still, he contacted McDonald’s and returned to the store in the following days, but says he hasn’t received as much as an “I’m sorry,” from the company.
“They act like they don’t care that I received an order that somebody else — I’m assuming one of their employees — had been eating,” the man tells the Clarion-Ledger.
After a failed attempt to talk with management at the restaurant, the man reached a customer service representative with the company’s franchisee.
“When I called him, he did listen to me and told me that ‘possibly one of our employees failed,’ but then he added, ‘If what you say is true,’ which totally ticked me off,” the man recalls. “I wouldn’t be spending this much time on a sausage biscuit that cost $1.08 if it wasn’t true.”
The Clarion-Ledger reached out to the same service representative. He told the paper he was aware of the man’s claim but could not discuss the issue with the media.
The man says his biggest concern – aside from not receiving an apology – centers on the sanitary conditions at the restaurant.
“First of all, with all the health concerns going on about us these days, people need to be aware of what they’re getting when they order food,” he says. “The person who ate part of the muffin I was served … how do I know that he or she isn’t carrying a disease of some sort? Plus, it’s just not sanitary.”
He also wants to make sure the same experience doesn’t happen to other customers.
“I’m not out to get McDonald’s, I’m not out to sue them,” the man says. “But I would like an apology. And I would like for them to care enough to go back and look at the videotape and try to find out how it happened so that it doesn’t happen to somebody else.”
Madison man served half-eaten McDonald’s muffin [The Clarion-Ledger]
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