Hazmat Teams Investigating Suspicious White Powder Found At 3 Hotels Near Super Bowl

This stuff is bath salts, but you get the picture. (Nomadic Lass)
UPDATE: Several media outlets are reporting that testing on the white powders found at three hotels near MetLife has proved the substances to not be hazardous. So, whew.
“Everything is under control,” one of the hotel’s managers tells Reuters. “They are leaving the premises now.”
One thing you count on in a city hosting the Super Bowl is that there will be a whole bunch of people from out of town staying at nearby hotels. Which makes it that much easier for ne’er-do-wells of the world to cause trouble: Hazardous materials teams are on the ground at three New Jersey hotels near MetLife Stadium after reports of a mysterious white powder found on the premises.
Not only that, reports the New York Daily News, but a letter with white stuff was also delivered to a Midtown office, addressed to former mayor Rudolph Giuliani, authorities say.
The hazmat teams were joined by bomb squads late this morning to test the powders, but it’s unclear so far what the suspicious substances are. They’re suspicious, that much is sure.
One employee in the Midtown office was exposed to the white stuff when he opened a letter addressed to Giuliani, and eight others in the mail room were also near the powder, a police source tells the NYDN. So far no one is showing any ill effects.
It’s unclear whether anyone came into contact with the stuff at the three New Jersey Hotels, or how it was delivered.
Which is good, because anthrax or ricin or whatever it might be is totally the worst way to start your Super Bowl party. Me, I prefer cheese dip.
White powder scares reported at three hotels near MetLife Stadium, site of Super Bowl [New York Daily News]
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