We know you can’t wait to rush home from the flea market to bust out that newly acquired antique shaving brush, and put it to use getting rid of your wintry fur. But before you lather up with your historically accurate brush, be aware that there’s a chance it may be carrying some era-appropriate anthrax. [More]

Hazmat Teams Investigating Suspicious White Powder Found At 3 Hotels Near Super Bowl
UPDATE: Several media outlets are reporting that testing on the white powders found at three hotels near MetLife has proved the substances to not be hazardous. So, whew. [More]

Sending Sand Through The Mail Probably Not The Best Idea For Strip Club Promo
There are a few beachy items we can think of that would be great to mail as part of a “fun in the sun” type promotion — tiny paper umbrellas, a plastic lei, or heck, even a deflated beach ball. Those items must’ve all seemed like a bit much, which is maybe why a strip club in Baltimore decided instead to get literal and bring the beach to people invited to an annual end-of-summer luau. Only problem is, an envelope full of sand looks a lot like an envelope full of say, anthrax. [More]