Oreoscape Keeps Expanding: Lemon Oreos Hit Shelves
If you’ve visited the cookie aisle recently, you might have noticed the proliferation of both year-round and seasonal Oreo flavors. We always thought that “Oreo” was the best Oreo flavor, but we must be less sophisticated than the rest of the American public. What’s Nabisco’s new addition? Lemon.

(The Impulsive Buy)
As with most novelty food items, we learned about these cookies from The Impulsive Buy, a blog that covers the crucial snack beat. The site actually reviewed a similar limited edition Oreo, the “lemon twist” cookie, last year. It’s not clear whether this is pretty much the same thing or a different formulation: you can twist all Oreos, can’t you?
SPOTTED ON SHELVES – Nabisco Lemon Oreo [The Impulsive Buy]
REVIEW: Nabisco Limited Edition Lemon Twist Oreo [The Impulsive Buy]
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