Kidnapped Woman Uses Burger King Drive-Thru Window To Escape From Captor

Maybe they should change that to “DRIVE THRU BREAK FREE”? (Photo: Maulleigh)
First off, a word of advice to any would-be kidnappers. Scratch that — two pieces of advice. First, don’t kidnap anyone. It’s a bad idea and we’ve seen enough movies to know it never ends well for the criminal.
Second, and maybe more important, if you do kidnap someone, don’t take him or her with you to pick up something to eat.
Case in point from the Norwich Bulletin: Last Friday evening at a Burger King in Norwich, CT, an alleged kidnapper and his victim were waiting in his car in the queue outside the eatery. At some point, the woman managed to slip out of the vehicle and through the drive-thru window, presumably to the shock of the employees inside.
The man — who police say kidnapped the woman from her home earlier that night — didn’t see her go through the restaurant window and thought she had slipped into the car in front him in the line.
In a bit of a pot-kettle moment, he reportedly accused the driver of that car of kidnapping the woman. That vehicle tried to flee, but the man gave chase and allegedly pulled a gun on the two people inside.
The woman, now safely inside the BK, was able to give the police her kidnapper’s license plate number and his mobile phone number, which officers then used to locate him.
The man was charged with first-degree kidnapping, first-degree unlawful restraint, two counts of first-degree reckless endangerment and carrying a handgun without a permit.
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