Publix Feels Really Bad That They Decorated Your Cake With A Bug, Delivers New One

Publix is a grocery store that, just to be clear here, generally does not deliver. But when they learned that they had trapped an innocent insect inside a dessert box and totally grossed out some guests, Karen’s local store made a tasty exception.
Hi, I just had to write in with this. Yesterday I attended a cookout with some friend to celebrate a friends birthday. Our host had gone to Publix in Hermitage Tenn. and got the birthday girl a small carrot cake. Before we could open it, we saw a gnat in it. It had been closed up with the cake at the store.
The birthday girl called Publix bakery and told them about it. She wasn’t rude or cursing or anything. She just told them it was for her birthday and it sort of ruined the happy thoughts we were all having. Here comes the good part…..they didn’t offer her a refund or tell her to come pick up another one, no, they DELIVERED a new one to the house!! That’s right, someone from the store got in his car and brought us a new one.
I’ve never shopped at Publix very much myself, might have to rethink that though. I think this goes way above good customer service and I feel they need to be recognized for it.
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