How Consumerist Empowered A Consumer, Saved The Day

Lenora isn’t a regular reader of this site, but somehow stumbled across it while trying to sort out a problem with Time Warner Cable. Her service had been shut off after she and her husband spent five months with no income. We were able to help her by providing an executive customer service contact at the company where she could send an e-mail, then call the president’s office directly. She made her case and provided proof to someone with power, and her service was back on later that day.
Thank you so much for this website…somehow I stumbled on to this site when I had problems with Time Warner Cable turning our service off, after decades of being a client. We had a past due bill of 275.00 and couldn’t pay it as husband had a kidney transplant, complications, and was out of work, and we went five months with no income waiting for Disability. I sent proof of the Disability, hospitalization, and being out of work to the email address provided by the Consumerist…as well as contacted President’s office by phone – and all was taken care of and restored that same day!
Thank you…thank you…thank you…; I will be making a donation soon as this truly is a wonderful site for consumers!
You’re welcome, Lenora! We’re glad that we’re able to keep all of this information out there for people who need it.
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