Back in 2015, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman launched a statewide effort to measure residents’ broadband speeds to see if they were getting the “blazing fast” internet access that the service providers advertised. Today, Schneiderman announced his office is suing New York City’s biggest broadband provider for not only failing to live up to its promises, but for allegedly knowing that many customers couldn’t possibly see the speeds that TWC promised. [More]
get what you pay for

State: Time Warner Cable Defrauded Customers By Advertising Internet Speeds It Couldn’t Provide

Will DIY Air Conditioners Really Keep You Cool This Summer?
Don’t feel like plunking down upwards of a few hundred bucks for a window unit air conditioner? No, of course you don’t; that was a silly question. At the same time, you probably don’t want to spend the next few months baking in the summer heat. You could McGyver one using ice and some stuff that’s sitting in your garage gathering dust, but will it make your life any more tolerable? [More]

Will People Pay Vessel $3/Month For More Professional YouTube Videos?
YouTube’s playlists are full of amateur and mostly amateurish video clips, which is fine because almost everything on YouTube is free. But there are also plenty of high-quality content producers posting videos on YouTube, some of whom are being paid handsomely for it. While such clips may add an air of professionalism to YouTube, will consumers be willing to pay $2.99/month for a service that curates the best of the web? [More]

T-Mobile Announces New Unlimited (2G) Prepaid Plans Starting At $40
If you’re someone who wants a prepaid mobile plan that includes unlimited talk, text and data access for things like checking e-mail or occasionally browsing the Internet, T-Mobile’s new Simply Prepaid plans may be worth looking into. [More]

T-Mobile “Data Stash” Will Let Some Customers Roll Over Unused 4G LTE Data
Here’s the latest piece of evidence showing that data is dirt cheap and we’re paying too much for it. T-Mobile announced today that it will start letting subscribers with plans of at least 3GB/month (1GB/month for tablet plans) begin rolling over any of their unused 4G LTE allotments into what it’s dubbed the “Data Stash.” [More]

American Airlines To Offer PJs, Slippers, Turn-Down Service In First Class
While the line between riding in coach and stowing away in the luggage blurs, the chasm between coach and first class grows deeper and wider. The latest perk intended to lure people into those first few rows: American Airlines will soon be offering hotel-style luxuries like pajamas and slippers to first- and business-class passengers on some international flights. [More]

USDA Says Some Organic Milk Is A Rip-Off
If you’re going to pay twice as much for milk because you like the idea that the cows have a yard to play in—that’s your business—but you’d better be getting what you pay for.