Woman Says She Can’t Possibly Keep Diamond Ring She Found In Secondhand Pants

We’ve heard of good consumers returning cash they’ve found or not accepting an accidental tax refund, but a diamond ring lands in your pocket and you decide to try to find its owner? Now that is what we call an extremely honest person.
A woman in Minnesota splashed out $3.99 on a pair of capris at Goodwill that were just to her taste, and her taste is “bling,” she told KSPT.com. She found more than just rhinestones in the pocket of the pants.
“I put my hand in the right pocket and I felt something,” she said, after the shopping trip with her daughter. “I opened my hand and we both went, wow!”
She took the ring to a local jewelers, where it was appraised for between $5,000 and $6,500 — but she’s not going to keep it.
“I need to find the owner, and I’d love to hear the story of how it got in there,” she said.
The news station isn’t describing the ring in too great of detail, so that would-be scammers can’t call in and pretend to be the rightful owner.
If you did happen to lose a diamond ring in a pair of capri pants you gave to Goodwill, go to their Facebook page and send a message.
Woman Buys Pants at Goodwill, Finds Treasure in Pocket [KSTP.com]
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