Meth House Haunts New Homeowners

(Mel B)
A pregnant mother of two in Colorado and her husband are stuck making $1,114 a month payments on a house they can’t live in. Shortly after they bought their dream home, they discovered needles in the window well. It turned out their dream house used to be owned by meth heads, and the house was contaminated with meth residue.
The family tells their story as a cautionary tale to others, and advises that it’s worth springing for a meth test before you buy a new house, especially if you live in an area known for meth use. The tests can run a few hundred dollars and need to be conducted by a licensed and certified industrial hygienist.
“This is a familiar story to us,” an environmental protection specialist for the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment told The Gazette. “It really is ‘buyer beware.'”
Read more:
Meth contamination haunts Springs homebuyers [Gazette] (Thanks to Kelly!)
Dream Home Is Actually A Meth House
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