There has been a lot of discussion in recent years about what exactly constitutes a “family” in a time when people can have deeply felt connections with those they’ve never met while simultaneously having no meaningful relationships with their kin in the next room. But regardless of how they define familial relations, Consumerist readers have resoundingly let it be known that there were two advertising families that they wanted nothing to do with in 2014. [More]
worst ad in america

Send Us Your Nominations For The Worst Ads Of 2013
With 2014 in sight, it’s time to look back on the worst TV ads of the last year. We watch enough crap here in the Consumerist batcave to come up with our own suggestions, but we want to give our readers a chance to vent about the commercials that drove them crazy in 2013. [More]

Which Type Of Ad-Skipper Are You?
While we sift through the mountain of nominations for this year’s Worst Ad In America Awards, one thing has become very clear — y’all hate TV commercials and are doing whatever you can to avoid them. [More]

Keep Those Worst Ad In America Nominations Coming!
Last week, we asked you to start nominating the baddest badvertisers around for Consumerist’s Third Annual Worst Ad In America Awards, and you quickly responded with hundreds of comments and e-mails. But even if you missed that post, there are still four days left to vent your hatred. [More]

Nominate Your Most-Hated Commercials For Worst Ad In America 2012!
With the exception of a handful of arguably entertaining commercials — and even those tend to grate over time — TV commercials are the bane of a TV watcher’s time in front of the boob tube. This is why we invent technology to skip over ads, or mute buttons to quiet them, or sudoku games to play while they are on. It’s also why Consumerist is announcing its third-annual Worst Ad In America awards! [More]

Poop, There It Is! Luvs' Scatological Showdown Voted Worst Ad In America For 2011
For the second year in a row, we asked you, the readers of Consumerist to nominate and vote on the worst ads airing on American TVs. And after more than 115,000 votes, you have made it quite clear which commercial deserves the dishonor of being labeled the Absolute Worst Ad In America — Luvs Diapers’ “Poop, There It Is!” [More]

Worst Ad In America Voting Open Until Sunday @ 5 pm ET
UPDATE: Polls have now closed. Results will be announced Monday. Thanks to everyone who voted!
More than 100,000 votes have already been counted in this year’s Worst Ad In America awards but some of the races are still separated by less than 1%. So make sure to get your votes in now — or forever hit your fast-forward button! [More]

Max From Blue Tax Responds To Worst Ad Nomination
In the two years we’ve been running the Worst Ad In America awards, we’ve received responses from nominated companies that ranged from the defensive to “it wasn’t us.” But this is the first time we’ve actually received a response from an animated character. [More]

Experts, Critics, Other Loudmouths Sound Off About 2011 Worst Ad In America Nominees
For the second year in a row we’ve convened a round-table of cognoscente to discuss, defend, assault and insult the current slate of Worst Ad In America nominees. [More]

Vote Here For The Worst Ad In America Awards!
You told us which TV ads annoy you the most, now it’s time to select the worst of the worst! [More]

Samsung Tries To Distance Itself From Worst Ad-Nominated TV Spot
Yesterday, we announced this year’s slate of nominees for the Worst Ad In America awards, and among the TV spots slugging it out for the title of Absolute Worst Ad is one that appears to be for the Samsung Infuse 4G… or so you might think. [More]

Announcing The 2011 Worst Ad In America Nominees!
For the second year in a row, we asked you to tell us which TV commercials get on your last nerve, and you didn’t hold back. After sifting through hundreds of comments and e-mails, we’ve finally whittled down all those annoying ads to the elite few worthy of recognition in the Second Annual Consumerist Worst Ad In America Awards. [More]

Worst Ad In America Nominations Period Extended!
The nomination period for this year’s Worst Ad In America Awards was supposed to have ended last Friday, and even though you’ve nominated hundreds of bad ads, we’ve decided to extend the nomination period through the end of this week in order to flesh out some of the possible new categories. [More]

It's Time To Nominate The Worst Ads In America For 2011!
Last year, we asked readers to nominate and vote in our first ever Worst Ad In America awards, and more than 100,000 of you responded, selecting Staples’ grating “Wow! That’s a low price!” shout-fest as the commercial that most got on your nerves. But while that abomination appears to have vanished into memory, plenty of new contenders for the crown have popped up. [More]

Hyundai Edges Out Target & Best Buy To Win Worst Holiday Ad Title
Of all the ads nominated by Consumerist readers for the title of Worst Holiday Ad of 2010, the Hyundai spots featuring Pomplamoose have been the most vociferously defended in the comments. Alas, it looks like the spots still had enough detractors to push Hyundai into the winner’s circle. [More]

Vote Now For The Worst Holiday Ad Of 2010
Last week, we asked you to vent your frustrations by nominating the most annoying, repetitive holiday-themed commercials of the year, and we heard you loud and clear. [More]

Nominate The Worst Holiday Ad For 2010
‘Tis the season to be jolly… Unless you’ve got to sit through hours and hours of the same holiday-themed commercials over and over again. [More]

It's Never Too Early To Start Thinking About The Next Worst Ad In America
It’s been about a month since you, the readers of Consumerist, selected the Absolute Worst Ad In America. But since there are new, crappy ads already cropping up on the TV, we are asking you to be ever-vigilant in advance of the next competition. [More]