Depending on where in the country you are, you’re most likely dealing with the aftermath of a winter storm, preparing for a winter storm, or sneering at your friends in other regions saying, “What’s snow?” While local governments handle ice melt and snow removal for the roads, you’re in charge of clearing and treating your own driveway and walkways. What’s the best equipment to use? [More]
winter storms

Digging Out From A Snowstorm: Know Your Shovels
Need a new shovel, or an additional one? You can save a lot of time, effort, and pain by choosing the one that’s right for you. Our colleagues over at Consumer Reports did the heavy lifting, evaluating different types of shovels and what kinds of people and snow they’re most appropriate for. [More]

UPS Tells You To Pick Up Package From Station, Closes Package Station Due To Nemo
It was just Manu’s bad luck that the computer he really, really needed was due to arrive at the same time as an East Coast superblizzard. The storm wasn’t as bad as expected in New York City, where Manu lives, but it was still bad enough that work closed early on the day that they didn’t deliver his computer to his home, so he could go fetch it from the depot. So he left on an epic trek through the snow to the UPS depot to… well, not pick up the computer, as it turns out. [More]

Bad Weather Leads To Rolling Blackouts Across Texas
No matter what Punxsutawney Phil might have declared this morning, this storm-filled winter can’t end soon enough. Just ask the citizens of Texas, where the frigid temperatures have forced power providers to implement rolling blackouts statewide. [More]

How Do I Melt Ice If The Store Is Out Of Salt?
The big batch of winter wrath this week has caused a run on basic supplies at the hardware stores. So what if the shelves are empty where the salt usually sit? Grab a bag, box, jar or bottle of one of these alternative ice and snow melting supplies instead. [More]

Get The Stuff On This Checklist Before The Winter Storm Slams Your House
Before the storm hits, get equipped. If you’re one of 100,000,000 Americans who is about to get smashed with this frozen blast, here’s a list of supplies you should have on hand before you get snowed in. [More]