When is the last time you used Microsoft Paint? It doesn’t really matter whether or not you actually want to, because you probably feel all warm and fuzzy when you think about using it to make (often crappy) drawings. That sense of nostalgia has worked its magic on Microsoft, which has announced it isn’t killing off the old program anytime soon. [More]

Massive Ransomware Attack Has Slowed, But Probably Isn’t Over Forever
Ransomware — malicious software that encrypts your computer until you pay up — is, sadly, not new, but a recent, massive global attack on computer networks has pushed ransomware into the spotlight. While security researchers have figured out how to slow the havoc down, another wave of attacks seems likely. [More]

Apple Adding iTunes To Windows Store
If you’re a Windows user but prefer to stick with iTunes for all your music needs, you’ll soon be able to jam out to your favorite songs on your computer: The iTunes desktop app will be coming to the Windows Store soon. [More]

Microsoft Issues Fix For Massive Malware Vulnerability That Affects Most PCs
A few days after security researchers discovered a massive flaw in Microsoft’s malware protection engine Windows Defender — which is used in almost every recent version of Windows — the company has issued a fix that it believes will keep attackers out. [More]

Nissan Recalls Altimas, Because Rolling Down The Window Shouldn’t Open The Door
We’re all used to the idea of pressing a button to roll down your car window. What we’re not used to — because it would be insanely dangerous — is pressing the window button and having the door open instead. [More]

Ford Recalls 88K Vehicles Over Stalling Issue
There are few things worse than having your relatively new car stall on you without warning. That’s why Ford is recalling nearly 90,000 vehicles with a defect that could leave your car dead — and unable to restart — in the middle of the road.

Company Sells $25K Worth Of Windows With Lifetime Warranty, Disappears
The trouble with “lifetime” warranties is that they often leave out an important detail: whose lifetime? That’s what a homeowner in California wonders now that her windows are bending away from them frame and generally failing at being windows. Now she can’t find the company that installed $25,000 worth of windows in her home only 9 years ago, or the company that actually manufactured the windows. [More]

Twitter Shutting Down TweetDeck For Windows App April 15
If you’re a fan of TweetDeck and you happen to use the Windows-based app, it’s time to start saying “goodbye.” Twitter announced today that it will end support for that particular service on April 15. [More]

Windows 10 Users Start Seeing Full-Screen Ads As Screen Savers
Just because you don’t have to lay out money for software, that doesn’t necessarily make it “free.” In the last few days, users of Windows 10 have noticed full-screen ads on their lock screen if they happen to be using “Windows Spotlight” to put pretty pictures there. Fortunately, you can banish the ads from your screen, without even having to pay. [More]

‘Tis The Season For High Energy Bills: Tips To Keep Warm And Lower Costs
Unless you enjoy living in a dark icebox, the winter months can be a real drain on your wallet, especially if you’re still reeling from holiday shopping. But keeping warm doesn’t mean you might as well throw money on a bonfire (seriously, don’t do that). [More]

Scam Alert: Microsoft Is Not Upgrading Computers To Windows 10 Through Email
First and foremost: If you’re a Windows 7 or 8 user, Microsoft will not email you to upgrade to Windows 10. If you do get an email along those lines, it’s probably a scam and if you download what’s inside, bad guys could hold your computer’s files for ransom. [More]

Mozilla Displeased That Windows 10 Changes Users’ Default Browser
Over at Mozilla HQ, they make web browsers that run on various platforms, including Windows. Over at Microsoft, they have their own new browser that is part of Windows, and they’d really like everyone to use it. According to Mozilla, the new version of Windows steamrolls over a user’s preferred app settings and makes Microsoft’s Edge browser the default. Mozilla is not fond of this change. [More]

Here’s How To Get Rid Of That Nasty Superfish Vulnerability On Your New Lenovo Laptop
Computer manufacturer Lenovo rightly caught heat far and wide from every corner of the internet this week after security researchers discovered a massive security flaw that shipped pre-installed as advertising software. Lenovo should never have put the intrusive software on their computers in the first place, but there is some good news today, as the company is now sharing a list of what computers were affected, and how owners of their machines can remove this junk crap from their systems. [More]

Ever The Unpredictable Scamp, Microsoft Goes With “Windows 10” For Next OS
While Microsoft is often seen as embodying the more straight-and-narrow side of home computing, you can’t fault the company for its utterly insane approach to picking names for its Windows operating system. After jumping from 3.11 to 95 to 2,000 before going back to 7 (and let’s not forget about the random non-numerical versions released over the years), the company is following the tepidly received Windows 8 with — what else? — Windows 10. [More]

Microsoft Finally Releases Security Update For Internet Explorer; XP Users Not Left Out
After nearly a week, Microsoft has begun releasing a security update intended to patch a security flaw in Internet Explorer that could give hackers access to a user’s computer. [More]

Winamp Shutting Down Forever After 15 Years — Wait, Winamp Was Still Around?
There are many readers who will no doubt read the above headline and, after wiping a tear or two from his eye, will surely rage, “Uh, I STILL USE WINAMP.” Rest assured, the astonishment that Winamp is still around comes from a purely nostalgic place. Winamp occupies that spot in my memory where I’ve just arrived at college, discovered Napster, and need juuuust the right Winamp skin to reflect my totally unique personality while playing awesome new DMB tunes. And now Winamp is about to go gentle into that good night. [More]

Bill Gates Admits: Control-Alt-Delete Was A Mistake
Kids today might not understand the references to “Ctrl-Alt-Delete,” that lovely, finger-twisting keyboard combination used to reboot or log on to Windows. But in a recent talk, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates explains the rationale behind the unholy trinity and admits that in hindsight, he should have insisted on a single dedicated key. [More]