Microsoft really really wants customers to use Edge, the web browser that’s replacing Internet Explorer. So much so that it’s apparently willing to beg Windows 10 users who switch their default browers to say, Chrome or Firefox, to pretty please just give Edge a chance. Just a teeny tiny chance. [More]
windows 10

Microsoft Trade-In Program Pays $200 For Your Old Windows Laptop, $300 For A MacBook
Microsoft is hoping a $200 trade-in offer will help convince current Windows users to stick around, and that $300 is enough to win over Mac users. [More]

Scam Alert: Microsoft Is Not Upgrading Computers To Windows 10 Through Email
First and foremost: If you’re a Windows 7 or 8 user, Microsoft will not email you to upgrade to Windows 10. If you do get an email along those lines, it’s probably a scam and if you download what’s inside, bad guys could hold your computer’s files for ransom. [More]

Mozilla Displeased That Windows 10 Changes Users’ Default Browser
Over at Mozilla HQ, they make web browsers that run on various platforms, including Windows. Over at Microsoft, they have their own new browser that is part of Windows, and they’d really like everyone to use it. According to Mozilla, the new version of Windows steamrolls over a user’s preferred app settings and makes Microsoft’s Edge browser the default. Mozilla is not fond of this change. [More]

Want Solitaire Ad-Free On Windows 10? That’ll Cost You
After leaving Solitaire off Windows 8, forcing PC users who needed to fill that procrastinatory urge to download the program separately, Microsoft made many customers happy when it announced that it’d be including the game in Windows 10. While that’s all well and good, some players might be irked to know that the new Solitaire is a freemium — meaning if you want an ad-free experience and access to other premium features, you’ll have to pay. [More]

The Pros & Cons Of Windows 10 Sharing Your WiFi Passwords With Your Contacts
All around the world today, Windows users are updating their operating systems to Windows 10, better known as Microsoft’s attempt to atone for the sins of Windows 8. However, the newest version of Windows has a feature that is either — depending on who you speak to — a huge privacy concern, or maybe not that big a deal. [More]

Windows 10 Will Come Pre-Loaded With Candy Crush Saga Because That Is The World We Live In Now
Get your best “back in my day” grumble face on: Solitaire and Minesweeper might’ve been good enough procrastination tools in times past, but Microsoft is getting hip to the times, and will pre-load Candy Crush Saga into its upcoming Windows 10. [More]

Windows 10 Users Will Be Able To Flip The Bird With New Emoji
Sometimes, words just don’t do the trick. For those times, using certain gestures can express everything you’re feeling with just the upward flick of one particular finger. Microsoft better hope people like Windows 10 a lot more than they did Windows 8, or they’ll be getting a lot of the middle-finger emoji included in the newest iteration of its operating system. [More]

Microsoft Edge Revealed As Replacement For Internet Explorer Web Browser
The final nail in Internet Explorer’s coffin came today, as Microsoft revealed its erstwhile web browser’s replacement: What had been known as Project Spartan is being introduced to the world as Microsoft Edge. [More]

Rejoice, Procrastinators: Microsoft Bringing Back Solitaire For Windows 10
Because it’s not a work day without procrastination, the enduring presence of Solitaire on the PCs of workers everywhere used to be a comfort many relied on to get through those long hours at a desk — until Microsoft left the program off Windows 8. Someone must’ve been listening to your sad cries of longing, as Solitaire is coming back as a standard feature in Windows 10. [More]

Microsoft Really Wants You To Try Windows 10, Offers Free Upgrades
Consumers have not embraced Windows 8, the current PC operating system from Microsoft. In fact, some people have paid to get rid of it and downgrade back to the more comfortable Windows 7. Microsoft wants users to give their latest offering a try, and are making Windows 10 available as a free download to users of their current operating systems. [More]

Ever The Unpredictable Scamp, Microsoft Goes With “Windows 10” For Next OS
While Microsoft is often seen as embodying the more straight-and-narrow side of home computing, you can’t fault the company for its utterly insane approach to picking names for its Windows operating system. After jumping from 3.11 to 95 to 2,000 before going back to 7 (and let’s not forget about the random non-numerical versions released over the years), the company is following the tepidly received Windows 8 with — what else? — Windows 10. [More]