
Guitar Hero III For Wii Is Mono?

Guitar Hero III For Wii Is Mono?

Dissatisfied customers who bought Guitar Hero III for the Wii are claiming that the game is in mono and doesn’t work properly on their surround sound systems.

Best Buy Employees Selling "The Last Wii" Over And Over Again?

Best Buy Employees Selling "The Last Wii" Over And Over Again?

Reader John tells us that he witnessed some Best Buy employees announcing “the very last Wii” over and over again. Oh those crafty kids at Best Buy!

GameStop's Golden Price Tags Mean Higher Value, Not "Used"

GameStop's Golden Price Tags Mean Higher Value, Not "Used"

The great thing about a used game is someone else has already worked out all the bugs and made it better—at least, that’s what we assume this GameStop wants us to believe, since they’ve got the used version priced $5 more than the brand new one. That’s why the sticker is golden, see, to show that it’s more valuable.

Circuit City Excluding Whatever It Feels Like From $15 Coupon

Circuit City Excluding Whatever It Feels Like From $15 Coupon

After getting my items added with the sales rep on the phone, when it was time to use the coupon I was again told that it was invalid – this time, however, I was a given a reason. The sales rep told me that the coupon was not good for video games or movies (I was ordering a game and the flight of the conchords DVD). I told the rep that the coupon stated neither video games OR movies as restrictions for use and he got a manager. Three managers and supervisors later, they wouldn’t budge. Needless to say, I didn’t make the purchase through them. I told them that I had previously worked in retail, knew that they had the power to manually take $15 off of my purchase if the coupon wouldn’t go through, and would not be making my purchase unless they honored the coupon as it was stated in their own promotion.


Amazon will supposedly sell a unspecified but large number of Wii game consoles on Wednesday, October 31st at 10 am PDT (1 pm EDT). [NintendoWiiFanboy]

Nintendo Wants To Give You Some Jackets For Your Wii

Nintendo Wants To Give You Some Jackets For Your Wii

We mentioned this in “morning deals” but thought we’d post about it, too. Nintendo is offering up to 4 free grippy-type Wii remote jackets to customers who’ve already purchased the Wii.

Apparently, You Don't Know How To Work Your XBOX 360 Or PS3

Apparently, You Don't Know How To Work Your XBOX 360 Or PS3

Next gen consoles have more features than ever before, but if you’re like many consumers, you don’t know about them.


Nintendo will introduce a step-board-like Wii peripheral that senses your movement, measures your Body Mass Index, ratcheting up the system’s physically active game factor. [Seattle P-I]

Wii Shortage To Last Through The Holidays?

Wii Shortage To Last Through The Holidays?

“Demand still appears to exceed supply, and we believe that shortages could persist through the remainder of the year, including the key holiday period,” said Colin Sebastian of Lazard Capital Markets, in a report by Next-Gen.biz.

Nintendo Ramping Up Production Of The Wii

Nintendo Ramping Up Production Of The Wii

Didn’t feel like standing in line for a Wii? No worries. Nintendo says they’re ramping up production. Could the Wii drought be over?

The Freakonomics Of The Wii?

The Freakonomics Of The Wii?

We don’t feel so bad that we don’t yet have a Wii, because Dubner over at Freakonomics doesn’t have one and he’s certainly wealthier and more popular than we are. He’s posted a letter from one Paul Kimmelman summarizing the baffling shortage of Wiis. It raises some interesting questions.

Above And Beyond: Nintendo Fixes Wii In 30 Minutes

The message telling me I had to wait for a CSR didn’t even finish playing before a rep was on the line. I explained my problem and she said she’d get me an RMA right away to get it fixed.


We caved and bought a Wii on eBay. We got a Wii + nunchuck + Wii sports for $325 + $25 shipping.

Guy Loses 9lbs Playing Nintendo Wii

Guy Loses 9lbs Playing Nintendo Wii

    Six weeks ago, I began what has become a huge obsession of mine. It is called the “Wii Sports Experiment” (Read my original announcement of this from Early December ’06). I outlined a 6 week game plan for myself, the idea being that I would continue ALL normal activity and eating habits, and simply add 30 minutes of Wii Sports to my day. For the past month and a half, I’ve stuck to these guidelines very strictly.

Dude lost 9lbs! Not a “miracle diet” (he actually didn’t diet at all,) but miracle diets are lame, anyway.—MEGHANN MARCO

Mayo Clinic Likes the Idea Behind the Wii

A new Mayo Clinic study shows that adding activity to video games helps fight obesity.

Nintendo Says: Wii Hates Your Christmas Tree

Thankfully, there’s an easy solution to the problem. Writing on a blog, one user complained: “The last couple of days my Wii has been acting weird in not picking up the Wiimote on the side of the Christmas tree and I could never figure out what was wrong. Well tonight, I turned off the Christmas tree and it fixed my problem.”

Wii Wrist Straps: Let the Lawsuits Begin

Wii Wrist Straps: Let the Lawsuits Begin

Law firm Green Welling LLP has filed the inevitable Wii wrist strap class action lawsuit, wherein they claim, ” Nintendo’s failure to include a remote that is free from defects is in breach of Nintendo’s own product warranty.” What’s the point of suing Nintendo?

Nintendo To Solve Wii Strap Break Problem By Selling More Wiis

Nintendo To Solve Wii Strap Break Problem By Selling More Wiis

    “Nintendo’s president acknowledged Thursday the just-launched Wii video-game machine may have a problem with a strap that secures its trademark wandlike remote-controller to the player’s wrist.