Did you preorder a Wii U from Kmart? Chris did. Well, he tried to. He paid using PayPal, and Kmart now tells him that he typed in an incorrect PayPal address, and they’re sold out of them. The funny thing is that they must have had his correct address at one point: when he first placed the order, they debited his account or put a hold on it initially. So that’s weird. [More]

Nintendo Competes Against Self By Offering Slightly Worse Wii At Same Price
If you’re looking for a Wii that lacks the ability to play old GameCube games for the same price as one that can, Nintendo has a deal for you. In a press release, the company reveals that it’s releasing a newer version of the console that takes away its backward compatibility for $150, the same price as the old version of the product. [More]

Nintendo Unveils Wii U, Complete With Touchscreen Controller
When Nintendo originally unleashed its Wii console on the world — and all the breakable furniture in everyone’s living rooms — the talk was about the new control system that allowed users to be more physically involved in their gaming experience. Earlier today, the video game giant finally unveiled its Wii U, the first in the next generation of consoles. And once again Nintendo is attempting to revolutionize the game controller. [More]

Wii Price Cut To $150
As rumored, Nintendo has officially cut the suggested retail price of the Wii, down to $150 from $200. In addition, they are launching a budget-conscious line of titles for the system dubbed “Nintendo Selects,” which will retail for $19.99. [More]

Price Drop Lends Credibility To Rumors Of New Nintendo Wii On The Horizon
Last week, we reported on the rumors of the impending release of a newer, better Nintendo Wii, along with reports that the company would be dropping the console’s price to $150 to clear inventory of the older models. Well, it’s not quite the announcement from Nintendo HQ that people have been waiting for, but a number of retailers have gone ahead and slashed Wii prices down to $170. [More]

Report: Nintendo Will Drop Wii Price To $150
In a bid to halt months of slumping Wii sales, and possibly signaling a sooner-rather-than-later announcement of a successor, Nintendo will reportedly cut the console’s price from $200 to $150 on May 15. The new price would be a 40 percent reduction of its original $250 price tag. [More]

Study: Active Video Games Are Good For Kids
Two new studies may provide some ammo for kids that want to get more time in front of the Wii or Kinect. According to researchers at Brigham Young University and University of Massachusetts, “exergaming” for 10 minutes can result in a workout as stimulating as walking three miles on a treadmill. [More]

Netflix On Wii Now Disc-Free
Finally, the tyranny of the Netflix disc is no longer! As of today, Wii owners who had been using the family friendly gaming console to access Netflix’s streaming video selection will no longer need to take out their Wii Sports or Lego Indiana Jones disc in order to watch a movie. [More]

Sony Explains How Its Motion Controls Are Better Than Rivals'
Kotaku snapped this shot from Sony’s holiday catalog, which offers a compare-and-contrast feature chart that proclaims its upcoming Move motion controller — due out in September — is profoundly superior to Microsoft’s Kinect and Wii’s controllers. [More]

Netflix For Wii Discs Shipping To Everyone Now
A few weeks back, we wrote that Netflix had shipped out a load of discs to Wii users as the final test of their streaming video product for the Nintendo gaming console. And while the initial results weren’t exactly mind-blowing, they must have been good enough because Netflix has decided to fully launch the program today. [More]

Netflix Streaming For Wii Loads Slow, But Still Faster Than PS3
Now that Wii-owning Netflix customers have received their streaming discs, let the console wars begin anew! At stake now: which provides the best Netflix-browsing experience….and the least agonizingly slow load times? [More]

Netflix Sends Out Discs To Test Streaming Via Wii
It’s been known for quite some time that Netflix would be offering streaming video via the Nintendo Wii. And today the video delivery service announced they’ve sent out the first batch of discs to some Wii-owning Netflix customers so that they can finally get the ball rolling. [More]

Netflix Streaming Finally Coming To The Wii
Those of you with the Wii will no longer be left out of the Netflix streaming party. The service is coming to the console this spring. [More]

Reader Angered By QVC $150 Markup Wii
A reader saw the $150 marked-up Wii on QVC and became so incensed that he immediately left an impassioned voicemail on our voicemail tipline (347-422-6695). I love this thing: [More]

QVC Tricks Thousands Into Overpaying For Wii and Accessories
Reader Joe/Mordecai spotted an awful QVC deal on a Wii, a crappy game and some accessories.

HSN Breaks TV, Showing Need To Firmly Attach Your Wii Accessories
This HSN presenter remembered to use his wrist strap when playing with a Wiimote, so good for him! Unfortunately, it turns out you also have to make sure any attachments are firmly attached.

UPDATED: Gamer Says Nintendo Will Now Fix Her Wii That It Broke
Last week we praised Nintendo and disparaged Sony for the way they handled reports from gamers that system updates broke their consoles.