In many states, various forms of public aid are placed on Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) cards that are then used by recipients to buy food and other necessary purchases. However, EBT users can’t always just walk into a bank to transfer funds from a card to another person’s checking account. [More]

If Wells Fargo Accidentally Credits $69K To Your Account, You Probably Shouldn't Spend It
The other day we asked you how you’d respond to stumbling upon $1,800 in cash left behind at an ATM by another bank customer. But what if that money — or, say, 38 times that amount of money — suddenly popped up in your bank account through no fault of your own? [More]

Man Commits Suicide After Years Of Fighting Wachovia & Wells Fargo Over Mortgage Mess-Up
We’ve written some incredibly sad stories about homeowners trapped in the mortgage meltdown maze, and this one certainly ranks up there among the most depressing. Not just because a man is dead, but because it could have all been prevented more than three years ago. [More]

Wells Fargo Prepping For Possible Racial Discrimination Lawsuit
Though it hasn’t been formally accused of anything by the government, Wells Fargo let it be known in a filing with the Securities & Exchange Commission that the Justice Dept. may soon be alleging the bank was involved in discriminating against minority mortgage applicants. [More]

Wells Fargo Fires Woman After Finding Out She Shoplifted 40 Years Ago
A woman in Milwaukee is paying for a crime she committed 40 years ago by losing her job. Wells Fargo found out during a background check that she had shoplifted in 1972, and subsequently fired her. She thinks she’s already paid her time for that crime, but Wells Fargo’s policies disagree. [More]

Wells Fargo Won't Let Man Access His Safe Deposit Box, He Misses His Mother's Funeral
Keeping your belongings safely tucked away in a safe deposit box is a great idea. But when your only photo identification is a passport that happens to be inside that box, it might prove troublesome. A man trying to fly to India to visit his ailing mother was prevented from going anywhere when Wells Fargo put up a fight over his safe deposit box. [More]

Disabled Woman Protesting Foreclosure Arrested Outside Home Of Wells Fargo CFO
A woman who suffers from cerebral palsy and uses a motorized wheel chair was arrested after protesting the foreclosure of her home outside the house of Wells Fargo Bank Chief Financial Officer Tim Sloan. She claims she’s being punished for a stay in the hospital. [More]

Wells Fargo Has Been Billing Me For "Credit Defense" Program I Never Signed Up For
Consumerist reader Andrea has had checking and credit card accounts at Wells Fargo for several years, but she recently noticed that somewhere along the line the bank had enrolled her in something called “Credit Defense,” which has been quietly siphoning off a small percentage-based fee every month. And even though Wells could offer no proof that Andrea had ever opted into the program, the bank would not refund her money. [More]

Wells Fargo Ordered To Pay Homeowner $3.1 Million For "Reprehensible" Mortgage Servicing
While mortgage servicers are getting their hats handed to them on a collective basis, a federal judge is taking issue with Wells Fargo over their dealings with a single homeowner, to the tune of $3.1 million in punitive damages. The bankruptcy judge called Wells Fargo’s behavior “highly reprehensible” in the recent decision. [More]

How A $10 Overdraft Fee Spiraled Into $1,555 In Debt To Wells Fargo
Five years after a NJ man thought he’d closed his former business’s two lines of at Wachovia, he was hit with one heck of a surprise by the bank’s new owner Wells Fargo: He had somehow racked up more than $1,500 on one of those accounts, without ever having received a statement. [More]

Federal Judge Signs Off On $25 Billion Mortgage Settlement With Top 5 Banks
It’s just like reality TV, but not at all — America, here are your top five big greedy banks, and here is the $25 billion mortgage settlement they’re all going home with, now that a federal judge has approved it. That’s their load to carry, after allegations of foreclosure abuses and misconduct in servicing home loans. [More]

Which Worst Company Contenders Force Customers Into Mandatory Arbitration?
As we sifted through the mountain of nominations for this year’s Worst Company In America tournament, we noticed a trend of readers who cited companies’ mandatory binding arbitration clauses as a reason for nominating. And while it’s businesses like AT&T and Sony that have made all the headlines for effectively banning class action lawsuits, there are a lot of other WCIA contenders who are forcing customers into signing away their rights. [More]

Worst Company In America Round One: Wells Fargo Vs. Citi
Welcome to Day 2 of corporate carnage in the Worst Company In America Octagonal Steel Cage! Starting things off for today is another pair of bloodthirsty bankers out to prove they are just as astoundingly inept as any other business in the bracket. [More]

Here It Is, Your Lineup For Worst Company In America 2012!
Welcome to Consumerist’s 7th Annual Worst Company In America tournament, where the businesses you nominated face off for a title that none of them will publicly admit to wanting — but which all of them try their hardest to earn. So it’s time to fill in the brackets and start another office pool. That is, unless you work at one of the 32 companies competing in the tournament. [More]

How Much Have The Big Banks Been Penalized Over Mortgage Mess And Where Is All That Cash Going?
The last few years have seen numerous settlements between the nation’s biggest mortgage lenders and various federal and state authorities. And while we hear numbers like “a total of $25 billion,” exactly which banks are responsible for the biggest chunks of these settlements? [More]
Wells Fargo: Good For All Of Your Banking And Personal Printing Needs
Nick was giving a presentation at a conference in Albuquerque, and needed to print out a revised version of his notes. He didn’t count on the printers in the business center of his hotel being out of order, and the downtown devoid of life, retail, and even Kinko’s outlets. Lacking transportation away from the hotel, he tried to think of alternate ways to meet his printing needs. That was when he saw the shimmering green Wells Fargo office tower… and formulated a wacky plan to put his bank to work for him. [More]
DOJ, 49 States Reach $25 Billion Settlement With Five Largest Lenders Over Robosigning
More than a year after several of the nation’s largest mortgage lenders temporarily suspended foreclosures after it was revealed that they had been using untrained, unqualified “robosigners” to process foreclosure documents, the U.S. Justice Dept. and the attorneys general of 49 states have announced a $25 billion settlement that will result in mortgage reductions to some homeowners. [More]
Spin The Wheel, Get A Different Story About Why Wells Fargo Flagged Your Card
Craig’s Wells Fargo debit card was flagged for fraud because he was trying to buy a speaker at a high-traffic Apple Store. A merchant he made a recent purchase from has been hacked, and he will receive a new debit card soon. He’s finally receiving an “upgraded” Wells Fargo card for his former Wachovia account, even though the account changed over more than a year ago.
Each of these stories has been told to Craig on separate interactions with Wells Fargo. The problem is, he doesn’t know which one is true. And neither does anyone at Wells Fargo, apparently.