Just months after Coach began to see promising results from pursuing wealthier customers and selling more high-end bags, the accessories company is ready to reward itself with a little something: rival handbag and accessory brand Kate Spade. [More]

Couple Still Waiting For Photo Albums From Their September 2013 Wedding
How long should a couple have to wait for finished photo albums from their wedding? One couple would really enjoy browsing the professional photo albums that the photographer they hired promised as part of their package. They’ve been married for a year and a half, and they photographer seemed to have disappeared. It was time to call in the power of local news. [More]

How To Not Suck At Planning Your Wedding, Part 1: The Most Expensive Steps
Welcome to Wedding Week on How To Not Suck, a 5-part series on how to deal with all the things couples need to buy/rent/plan before they walk down the aisle. Today’s column focuses on those big-ticket items you need to get out of the way right away.
Maybe you’re one of the many, many couples who recently got engaged on Valentine’s Day (and judging by our Facebook feeds, this V-Day seemed to be particularly proposal-happy), or perhaps you’ve been engaged for a while but you’re spinning your wheels trying to figure out how to get started. Then let’s not waste any time. [More]

Is Pottery Barn Stalking Me Through Facebook?
Jacob got engaged last weekend. Yay! Mysteriously, before the wedding plans could even begin, his fiancÈe received an e-mail from Pottery Barn inviting her to start a wedding registry. Except she never signed up with them, or told any other retailer that she was engaged. What she did do was…change her Facebook status.

Store Orders A Different Dress Because The One You Want "Won't Work For Someone Your Size"
Reader Brad says his friend was “shafted” by a bridal store in St. Louis, so she wrote to the local paper about her issue. The paper wrote up her story and is now asking readers to offer their opinion on the issue. Brad’s friend, Tia, went to a bridal store to buy a gown for her sister’s wedding. She was instructed by the bride to get a dress that was shiny and either black or red. Tia found a gown she liked and ordered it. When she got the gown, she looked at the tag and noticed that it wasn’t by the designer that she thought she’d chosen. When she asked the store what was up with the dress, they told her that the store ordered another dress because they thought the one she’d chosen wouldn’t “work for somebody of her size.” This, of course, made Tia cry.

Target "Lied To Me, Yelled At Me," And "Treated Me Like Crap"
More wedding/baby registry pain from Target, a reader calling herself Consumer in MD, has started a blog called “Target is the Devil,” with the aim of convincing other consumers not to register their weddings and baby showers with Target after they ripped her off to the tune of $75.01. She tried to return a gift from the registry (with a gift receipt), and Target told her that according to their records the current clearance price is what the person actually paid for the gift. It turned out that this wasn’t the case, and when she brought the actual customer receipt back to Target they refused to refund her the additional money.

Help! Men's Wearhouse Ruined My Wedding!
Reader Brad had to delay his wedding so his father could speed through Vermont to retrieve a pair of pants Men’s Wearhouse forgot to include as part of Brad’s rental tux. Two days earlier, Brad learned that the fitted tuxes he and his father had rented were too short and too tight. Men’s Wearhouse offered to re-order the tuxes, but refused to deliver them to Brad’s wedding, forcing his father to drive three hours to pick up the replacement garments. When he returned, not only did they realize that Brad’s pants were missing, but his vest was missing a button, and his jacket sleeves hadn’t been hemmed.

Disney Employees Dig Through Trash To Find Couple's Lost Wedding Rings
While on vacation at Walt Disney World, Paul and Karen (well actually just Paul) accidentally threw out their “engagement, wedding and five-year-anniversary rings.”

What Makes For A Good Wedding Present?
It’s June, which used to mean nice weather in the Northeast. Now it just means it’s wedding season, which will never change.

Would You Buy Your Wedding Dress At Target?
Getting married? Target is launching a bridal collection by Isaac Mizrahi. The collection has “8 stunning looks in ivory, white and black,” and range in price from $9.99-$159.99.

Touring Through The Ukraine, Looking For A Bride
My buddy John is an odd guy. Extremely attractive, charming, well-groomed and well-off, he met his bride when doing a search on the internet using the key words “Black Christian Virgin”. He found a page, put up by the girl’s own brother, where his future wife solicited from Ghana for a wealthy American husband. He then paid a dowry for her, and they were married. Over the last few years, he’s funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars into Ghana as a result, usually with no actual return, only photographs of the bus service he owns, or the mansion that’s been built by the family for him there.