Couple Still Waiting For Photo Albums From Their September 2013 Wedding Image courtesy of They are not looking at photos. They are looking at contracts.

They are not looking at photos. They are looking at contracts.
Specifically, CBS Sacramento and their consumer reporter Kurtis Ming. The missing things from the photographer are the big pieces that people seek out professional photographers for. Their photographer wasn’t responding to messages, and appeared to have closed down her studio.
The couple had already paid in full, of course. One wedding planner recommends that couples pay wedding vendors in segments: one-third when signing the contract, one-third on the wedding date, and one-third once all of the items in the contract are delivered.
Years ago, we shared the story of a photographer who was convicted of breach of trust with fraudulent intent for not turning over wedding photos to the couple who had paid for them. This case is less extreme, since the couple does have the original photos from their wedding, but not delivering on a contract can be serious business…if the customer can find you.
The photographer got in touch with the TV station, saying that she was intentionally difficult to find because of a situation in her personal life, and that she had two albums ready for the couple in this story to look at. Great! As of last night when the story aired, though, the couple hadn’t seen the alleged albums. They’ll keep waiting…but also plan to file in small claims court.
The problem with that: you need an address where papers can be served, and no one seems to know where this photographer lives or is doing business.
Call Kurtis: Married Since 2013, We’re Still Missing Our Wedding Albums [CBS Sacramento]
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