The bridal and formal gown industry is a big business, and the price tags can be daunting. When you see a website offering a beautiful and unique gown, or the same exact gown that you tried on in a local boutique at half the price, that’s a tempting deal. Don’t be tempted, though: the dress most likely isn’t what it seems, and neither is the deal. [More]

Wedding Dress Switcheroo Ends In Happy Reunions For Two Women 9 Years After Mix-Up
In the life of the average wedding dress, there’s really only one shining moment: The Big Day. But because dresses often cost a pretty penny, many brides will lovingly pack them up and preserve them, just in case they want to pull them out again some day. One bride was devastated when she went to pull out her dress for an vow renewal ceremony only to find a stranger’s gown in her storage box. [More]

Isis Bridal Tells Woman With MS To Get Out
Ooo, you nasty! With your service animal! Get out of here! That’s the new informal slogan of Isis Bridal & Formal in Dallas after news broke that they kicked out a 62-year-old grandmother with multiple sclerosis, because they were worried her service dog would get service dog cooties all over the dresses.

Store Orders A Different Dress Because The One You Want "Won't Work For Someone Your Size"
Reader Brad says his friend was “shafted” by a bridal store in St. Louis, so she wrote to the local paper about her issue. The paper wrote up her story and is now asking readers to offer their opinion on the issue. Brad’s friend, Tia, went to a bridal store to buy a gown for her sister’s wedding. She was instructed by the bride to get a dress that was shiny and either black or red. Tia found a gown she liked and ordered it. When she got the gown, she looked at the tag and noticed that it wasn’t by the designer that she thought she’d chosen. When she asked the store what was up with the dress, they told her that the store ordered another dress because they thought the one she’d chosen wouldn’t “work for somebody of her size.” This, of course, made Tia cry.