They say that behind every great man there is a woman who will eventually be his co-defendant when he is sued by the FDIC for his part in the largest bank failure in U.S. history. [More]
washington mutual

Is Some Of The $9.8 Million In Unclaimed WaMu Deposits Yours?
Remember the good old days when Washington Mutual (or WaMu, if you like your bank to sound like a killer whale) still existed? Well, there are about 9.8 million souvenirs of its existence still waiting to be disbursed in the form of unclaimed deposits. [More]

New Documents Shed Light On Lethal Last Days Of WaMu
Remember in Sept. 2008, when Washington Mutual went from being the sixth-largest bank in the U.S. to the biggest bank failure in U.S. history? Well, newly released documents show just how reckless and money-grubbing WaMu was in its final months — and how some employees were reaping huge rewards as the bank sunk into the quicksand. [More]

Did Washington Mutual Just Give Me $500?!
Daniel filled out a Washington Mutual deposit slip listing several checks and $500 in cash, but “forgot” to hand over the cash. He normally isn’t a fan of “shady business,” but now that he has a bank statement crediting him for the $500 hiding in his wallet, he’s suddenly not sure what to do…

WaMu Saddles Credit Card Theft Victim With Thousands In Fraudulent Charges
Someone stole reader A’s WaMu credit card number and racked up thousands in fraudulent charges, and now WaMu wants A to pay for it. The fraudsters also made a PIN request for a cash advance over the phone, and WaMu said that phonecall orginated from A’s parents house. Because of this, which A says is impossible, WaMu demands A be responsible for the charges. He’s written letters and called executive customer service and it’s gotten him nowhere. His crappy story, inside…

Chase/WaMu Changeover Leads To Comical Levels Of Customer Inconvenience
Shawn was a faithful Washington Mutual customer, and by default is now a Chase customer. Sort of. He learned that the transition will take until September (September?!) and he can’t deposit personal checks in his account—even at a branch—without elaborate workarounds. What kind of bank is that?!

updated: WaMu Accounts Become *Almost* Totally Chase July 24
Starting July 24, 2009, WaMu accounts will get fully transitioned to Chase. After that, ex-WaMuers will be able to fully enjoy the benefits of Chase banking, like making deposits into Chase ATMs, the full range of Chase branch banking services, and the luxury of paying Chase’s service fees which are higher than WaMu’s were.

Check Your Bills, WaMu Cardholders, Due Dates May Be Changed
If you’re a former WaMu credit card customer and now with Chase, check your bill due dates. They may have changed, according to reports CreditMattersBlog is getting from its readers. Seems WaMu had a 25-day grace period, while Chase has one of “at least” 20.

NY Post Picks Up Consumerist Reader's ATM Skimming Story
Check it out, we’re in the New York Post today. They picked up our reader Dan’s story about finding an ATM skimmer at a Chase/WaMu, along with the skimmer spotted by Gizmodo reader Sean after they ran Dan’s story. Neat!

Convert And Combine Your WaMu And Chase Cards
The handover is complete and Chase now officially runs the WaMu credit card operations. Here’s how to combine your WaMu credit lines with your Chase credit lines. [CreditMattersBlog] (Photo: Ed Yourdon)

Chase Replaces Automatic Payments With Monthly Minimum On All WaMu Credit Cards
Is your Washington Mutual credit card set to receive automatic payments? If it is, and you pay anything less than the full balance, then come March 6, you’ll be paying only the monthly minimum. Why? Because it’s an easy way for Chase, WaMu’s new corporate overlord, to make money off unsuspecting cardholders…

WaMu: No Refund, You "Authorized" Those Muggers
This tourist in Rome got robbed and WaMu won’t reimburse him for the money they stole from his debit account.

Chase Eats All WaMu Credit Cards In March, What Happens?
When Chase completely takes over the old WaMu credit card division in March, a new super-power will be granted to WaMu credit card customers who also have a Chase credit card, reports CreditMattersBlog. As long as you have a zero balance on one of the cards, the two cards will be combined and your Chase’s credit limit will now be the sum of the two credit limits. WaMu cardholders without a Chase card will get to convert their cards into Chase cards.

WaMu To Close 299 Branches, Many In Chicago
Chase has announced that they will be closing 299 branches, 57 of them in the Chicago-area alone. The Daily Herald says that most of the branches are across the street or down the block from existing Chase branches and consolidation is necessary. The remaining WaMu branches will be converted to the Chase brand.

No More Free FICO Scores For WaMu Customers After March 9
It looks like after March 1, 2009 quondam Washington Mutual cum Chase customers won’t be able to get their FICO scores for free anymore through their bank. Those people in the picture look pretty excited about yet another WaMu feature being taken away. Woohoo, indeed. [Chase] (Thanks to Luke!)

Help! They Closed My Credit Card Because I Didn't Use It!
Reader Kevin is upset with WaMu because they closed his credit card due to inactivity. Had he known they were going to do this, he says he would have been happy to pay a small fee to keep it open, etc. The card is the oldest one on his credit report — and closing it has affected his FICO score.

WaMu Told Washington That Adjustable Rate Mortgages Were Safer Than Some Fixed Ones
The Associated Press says that a review of regulatory documents shows that years before the subprime mortgage crises developed into a full blown economic meltdown— the government ignored warnings and listened instead to lobbyists who represented some of the same banks that have now failed.