There aren’t a lot of shining successes in American’s most recent recession, but one company that has done well and even managed to grow is Costco. Why is that? The traditional wisdom is that customers love the prices and selection: for Consumerist readers, it’s also the return policy and the warranty extension. What’s the deal with why we love Costco so much? [More]
warehouse clubs

BJ’s Apologizes For Crappy Pecan Pie That We Never Complained About
Jonathan’s family bought a pre-made pecan pie for one of the winter holidays…Christmas, Thanksgiving, something like that. He doesn’t even remember. The pie wasn’t all that great, but the family didn’t think to complain to BJ’s about it. They had other things to do during the holidays. So they were surprised when they received a coupon in the mail for a free replacement pie, along with a letter apologizing for the poor quality of the pecan pie. [More]

Sam’s Club Offers Great Thanksgiving Week Deals, Abruptly Cancels Orders
Is Sam’s Club the new Best Buy? Last year, Best Buy canceled orders for many of their hottest doorbusters just before Christmas, leaving customers sad and giftless. If that’s Sam’s Club’s plan, at least they’re operating on a shorter timeline before canceling their hottest deals. Readers report to us that Sam’s sold and then canceled these deals all in the space of Thanksgiving weekend. [More]

Using Your Spouse’s Costco Card Will Launch A Mini Fraud Investigation
Costco members, you should feel safe: the world’s most beloved warehouse club is looking out for you. In the event that a thief steals your membership card, happens to have the same last name as you, and makes Costco purchases while you stand a few feet away, Costco has got you covered. Which is to say that Adam’s local store freaked out on his latest visit when his wife forgot her Costco card and used his, but paid with her debit card attached to their joint bank account. [More]

More Obnoxious: Agreeing to Membership Rules You Have No Intention of Following, Or Having Your Receipt Checked?
At most stores, it’s reasonable for customers to walk in without being aware of that retailer’s particular policies. But when you sign up for a members-only warehouse store like Costco, it’s made pretty clear from the get-go that you’re agreeing to abide by the store’s rules. Isn’t that the trade-off for being able to buy Snickers by the carton? [More]

I Can’t Get Sam’s Club To Take My Money
Rhoda wanted to get the new Halo 4 edition of the Xbox 360, and she wanted to get it from Sam’s Club. Presumably, she’s a member, and she says that she has ordered online from Sam’s before. But something about this transaction made the store’s computers unhappy, and the order wouldn’t go through. She called up the company to verify the order and tried again, only to face even more rejection. [More]

Sam's Club Absolutely Must See Your ID For One-Day Pass; Can't Say Why
Claudia is a Costco member, but when Sam’s Club advertised a one-day shopping pass in her local paper, she went to see what Sam’s had to offer. What the ad didn’t mention was that a photo ID would be needed to get the pass from the store’s customer service desk. Which is interesting, since you can actually print a pass from the Sam’s Club web site, presumably without holding your driver’s license up to the screen. [More]

No Photography Please, This Is A BJ's Wholesale Club
N. got in trouble while standing in the receipt check line at his local BJ’s warehouse club, but it wasn’t for attempting to leave the store without having his cart checked. No, it was for something far more insidious than that: snapping a quick picture of a board advertising club member prices for cruises so he could comparison shop later. What a hardened criminal! The receipt checker set off the door alarm, catching the attention of a nearby police officer, and insisted to N. that there is no photography allowed anywhere inside a BJ’s club, ever. Cool story bro, but that’s not actually true. [More]

Costco's Lifetime Return Policy Only Applies To Actual Members
When one of the suitcases from Jon’s decade-old Kirkland (Costco house brand) luggage set broke, he didn’t fret. Why, Costco has one of the greatest return policies in the world! Maybe in the universe! When he attempted to bring the item back, though, he learned the hard way that the famed warranty only applies to the original member who bought the item. Which can be a little awkward when the item was a gift. [More]

The Police Have Apparently Deputized This Sam's Club Receipt Checker
Julie calculates that her family has spent at least $2.4 million at Sam’s Club over the last decade, buying supplies for their restaurants. That relationship is now over, she tells Consumerist, because someone at the store called the police on her father for having an expired registration. He left the store with two tickets and a healthy dose of humiliation. He’s concluded that Sam’s Club no longer needs his business. [More]

Your Local Mall's New Anchor Store…. Costco?
There are a lot of empty anchor stores in American malls these days, especially since major department store chains have continued devouring each other. What to do with these massive empty retail spaces? Well, one possible tenant that doesn’t normally occupy enclosed malls is interested….Costco. [More]

BJ's Charges For "Free" Replacement Glasses, Then Loses Them
Keith’s daughter wears glasses, and recently a pretty mundane thing happened–her glasses broke during gym class. No problem, though: he bought the glasses at BJ’s Optical, where replacement insurance is included on childrens’ glasses. Except the “free” replacements somehow cost $39 under this insurance plan. And BJ’s took several weeks to lose the frames on their way to or from the site where the glasses are actually made, then start the whole process over again. Keith is not satisfied. [More]

Let Costco Outfit You For The Coming Apocalypse
Everyone loves Costco for its high quality and low prices for items as diverse as wine, toilet paper, cashews, and caskets. What you may not know is that for only $800 (plus shipping) you can store enough freeze-fried food to feed one person for a year, two people for six months, and four people for three months. You can get everything at Costco. [More]

Costco Will Expand Food Stamp Program Nationwide
It turns out more Costco customers use food stamps than CEO James D. Sinegal originally thought, because after a test run earlier this year the company has decided to roll out the program nationwide.

Costco Now Accepting Food Stamps, Sort Of
Finally following the lead of its competitors, Costco will accept food stamp cards. For core food items, not other merchandise. Two New York City stores, in Astoria, Queens, and in Sunset Park, Brooklyn, will serve as test sites because of the high numbers of food stamp recipients nearby. If the program is successful, Costco will expand it to all other New York City stores, but there are no plans to expand the program to other cities or states.

Buy In Bulk With Friends From Warehouse Clubs
You can save big on groceries by forming a little warehous club buying collective with your friends:

Personal Finance Roundup
When should you spend to save? [MSN Money] “Are warehouse store memberships a good deal? How about extended warranties? It all depends on the products — and on you, the shopper.”

Costco Million$ Lost Spurred Return Policy Rip
Like momma always said, if you don’t stop using that thing, you’re gonna break it… and Costco Chief Financial Officer Richard Galanti says the same of the cash-and-carry retailer’s decision to limit its generous return policy for electronics.