
Ben Schumin

Multi-Tasking Shoplifting Suspect Left 11-Year Old He Was Watching Behind At Walmart

There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to get everything done that you need to, right? Maybe that’s why a man who was keeping an eye on an acquaintance’s 11-year-old brought the boy with him to a Pennsylvania Walmart to pick up some tools. Police say that he walked out of the store without paying for the tools, leaving the boy behind. [More]

Walmart Charges Extra $0.08 To Put Your Printer Cartridges In A Single Box

Walmart Charges Extra $0.08 To Put Your Printer Cartridges In A Single Box

Theoretically, buying combination packs or buying an item in bulk should save you money. You’re giving the retailer more money, right? Only the pricing logic of big-box stores doesn’t really see things that way, and that’s where Target Math comes from. Target Math is when you pay more per unit for buying in bulk, like this combo-pack of printer ink where you pay an extra eight cents for the privilege of having your cartridges in one box. [More]


Walmart Says Alleged “Pricing Conspiracy” Is Just A Simple Mistake

In the past we’ve reported on Target’s fuzzy math, retailers failing to understand what “clearance” means, and department stores being sued for allegedly inflating the original price of items in order make discounts look more attractive. These issues appear to have combined at Walmart, where one shopper says the company is running a “clearance conspiracy”: slapping clearance tags with much higher prices on formerly less expensive items.  [More]


Walmart To Open Dairy Processing Plant, Will Make Its Own Milk For 600 Stores

While Walmart generally sources its store-brand products from third-party private label companies, the mega-retailer is deviating slightly from that trend with the news that it will soon be supplying its own milk for hundreds of Walmart stores.

Mike Mozart

Walmart Eye Care Employee Allegedly Sent Illicit Texts To Customers

A St. Louis woman who took her glasses in for repairs at an eye care clinic inside a local Walmart got more than she bargained for: pornographic photos of the store’s clerk.  [More]

Ben Schumin

Woman Accused Of Shoplifting At Walmart Flashed Security Staff, Then Bit Them

A woman who set off the security sensors at the Walmart in Blackman Township, MI in the wee hours of Monday morning wanted to show employees that she had nothing to hide. Police say that’s why she pulled her shirt up and her pants down to show that she had no merchandise concealed under her clothing. However, there was the matter of the cart full of merchandise that she pushed into the foyer. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find Another MP3 Player Case That No One Will Buy

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Find Another MP3 Player Case That No One Will Buy

Walmart has almost got this thing with clearing out their old electronics figured out. They found an old item somewhere in the bowels of the store, which was great. They marked it down from $19.88 to $3, which is more reasonable than most of their electronics markdowns. Unfortunately, they may have overestimated the market out there for silicone cases for MP3 players from 2007 or 2008. [More]

Renee Rendler-Kaplan

Siblings Arrested For Robbing Girl Scouts Of $200 In Cookie Money

Most people look at Girl Scouts selling cookies outside of a store and see children learning important lessons about commerce. Every year, though, there’s at least one person who looks at them and sees a big box of cash guarded by little girls. This cookie season, the first criminals accused of having this terrible idea were a brother and sister in Florida, who were arrested yesterday for running off with about $200 in cookie money last weekend. [More]

Michelle Reitman

Costco Raising Entry-Level Employee Minimum Wage For The First Time In Nearly A Decade

In a bid to attract more quality workers, Costco says it will raise the minimum wage for entry-level workers for the first time in nine years.  [More]


Some Walmart Online Pharmacy Customers’ Prescription Info Visible To Others For Days

No one wants their personal, private health information plastered on the internet for all to see. While that wasn’t exactly the case for Walmart, the retailer announced this week that a few thousand of its online pharmacy customers had their prescription histories and other basic information visible online for a four-day period last month.  [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Have Just The Thing For Your iPhone 3G

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Have Just The Thing For Your iPhone 3G

Hey, do you remember 2008 and 2009? There was a presidential election, and many people still thought the Blackberry was a fabulous smartphone. The second generation of the iPhone, 3G, debuted at the same time as Apple’s App Store. And sometime between then and 2010, this iPhone speaker hit the shelves of Walmart, where it has stayed ever since. [More]

Organization Of Walmart Employees Says That More Workers Are Interested After Store Closings

Organization Of Walmart Employees Says That More Workers Are Interested After Store Closings

The closure of 154 Walmart stores earlier this year wasn’t good news for anyone, except for perhaps some small-town storeowners and well organized resellers. One group that’s really benefiting, even though they’d probably rather not, is a splinter group of what used to be known as OUR Walmart, a group that is not a union, but works to share information between employees and organizes protests and strikes. As store closings continued, they noticed their Internet traffic is up. [More]

Walmart Faces Lawsuit For Selling Parmesan Cheese With Wood Pulp Filler

Walmart Faces Lawsuit For Selling Parmesan Cheese With Wood Pulp Filler

With federal regulators now cracking down on Parmesan cheese products that contain wood pulp and other fillers, it was just a mater of time before the first lawsuit was filed against a retailer selling its grated cheese product as “100% Parmesan.”  [More]

Only One Retailer Comes Out Smelling Worse Than Walmart In Latest Customer Satisfaction Surveys

Only One Retailer Comes Out Smelling Worse Than Walmart In Latest Customer Satisfaction Surveys

The American Customer Satisfaction Index has released its annual look at the retail industry, and once again Walmart scored the lowest among department stores, supermarkets, and personal care retailers. But one specialty retailer did manage to eke out an even lower score than Walmart. [More]

Thief Dons Walmart Smock, Steals Four Flat Screen TVs

Thief Dons Walmart Smock, Steals Four Flat Screen TVs

In September, an alleged thief posing as a Walmart employee walked into a Dallas-area store, grabbed four big screen TVs, and simply walked out the way he came. That theft apparently worked so well, another shoplifter pulled the same stunt in Virginia.  [More]

6 Walmart Trucks Shot At On Oklahoma Highway Since Sunday

6 Walmart Trucks Shot At On Oklahoma Highway Since Sunday

A number of Walmart trucks have arrived at their destination this week, only to find out that they had been used as target practice while driving along a stretch of highway in Oklahoma. [More]

Woman Gives Birth In Sam’s Club Bathroom With Employees’ Help

Woman Gives Birth In Sam’s Club Bathroom With Employees’ Help

On more than one occasion we’ve reported on the miracle of birth taking place not in a hospital, but in a Walmart parking lot or inside the big box store. Over the weekend, an Arkansas woman took a slightly different approach, giving birth at another local retailer: Sam’s Club.  [More]

Police Investigating Death During Walmart Shoplifting Incident

Police Investigating Death During Walmart Shoplifting Incident

Early on Sunday morning, a 62-year-old man piled DVDs worth $380.74 in a shopping cart at a Florida Walmart and headed for the door. When he couldn’t produce a receipt for the greeter, he ran out the door, and employees followed him. He collapsed and was resuscitated, but died in the hospital 12 hours later. [More]