When a Florida woman shopping at her local Super Walmart saw a large rat in the meat case, stampering across the shrink-wrapped packages, she knew that no one was going to believe her. She insisted on snapping a photo with her mobile phone. “[I] told my mom I wasn’t leaving without one,” she told a local news station. [More]

At This Walmart, Three And A Half Pretty Much Equals Five
I thought the idea behind having all of these computers around was that they were supposed to do the math for us. Correctly. A Reddit user snapped this picture of some fuzzy math at the self-checkout. Either the computer thinks that someone buying a pile of Lunchables and gum isn’t very quick on the uptake, or something is very wrong here. [More]

Walmart Sued Over Some Payment Machines Being Too High For Disabled Customers
Walmart is being sued by disability rights advocates who say the mega-chain has placed its payment machines too high in some stores, making them inaccessible to customers using wheelchairs and scooters. Some customers say they then have to tell cashiers their PINs to complete transactions. [More]

This Is Why Graphic Designers Should Pay More Attention To Kerning
When a packaging designer is putting together a layout on their computer screen, one important thing they need to keep in mind is kerning, the space between individual characters in a word. They should also be thinking about how the printing process is imperfect. If not, they can end up with some very confusing, potentially rude results. [More]

Woman Figures Any Price Tag Will Do, Switches Store Labels Around To Score Cheap Toys
We’d like to say we’re shocked, simply shocked that a woman is accused of switching out price tags on pricy toys like Lego sets in exchange for cheaper ones in order to buy the items and resell them for a profit. But we’re not that surprised, because we’ve seen this sort of very bad no good behavior before. [More]

Walmart Comes Out Against Credit Card Swipe Fee Settlement
Earlier this month, when the Visa and MasterCard announced a massive settlement in the legal battle over credit card swipe fees, it looked like the seven-year-old dispute had finally come to an end — and that we’d all soon be seeing credit card surcharges at retailers. But in just the last few days, the nation’s largest retailers have come out in opposition of the settlement. [More]

Women Forget The “Take The Baby With You” Part Of Their Walmart Shoplifting Plan
Perhaps the saying should be changed from “don’t throw the baby out with the bath water” to “Don’t forget while attempting to shoplift to also bring your child with when fleeing the store.” A mother and her sister are accused of leaving a 1-year-old behind when running from a robbery attempt at Walmart. [More]

Yes, You Can Be Charged With DWI For Driving Drunk On A Walmart Scooter
If you think you have to be driving a car, truck, SUV, motorcycle or even a Vespa to qualify for a DWI, the police in Houma, Louisiana, would disagree. On Sunday night, they arrested a man for operating a Walmart motorized scooter while having a blood alcohol content of .179. [More]

Hundreds Of Teenagers Crash Walmart For Late-Night Food Fight
Imagine you’re browsing the aisles at your local Walmart on a quiet Saturday night, when suddenly the store is overrun by about 300 teenagers who decide it’s time to stage an impromptu food fight in the produce section. Luckily, you don’t have to imagine it because it’s all been caught on camera. [More]

If A Stranger Wants To Suck Your Toe At Walmart, He Probably Isn’t Really A TV Producer
Just a bit of advice to the shoppers of the world: If a man approaches you at Walmart — or really any retailer — and says he works for America’s Funniest Home Videos and that the show will pay for your stuff if you let him kiss your foot, he’s almost certainly lying. And yet, a teenager in Georgia says she was a sucker for a toe-sucker in disguise. [More]

Stuck Without Refund, Should I Listen To Walmart Or PayPal?
J. is stuck between two commercial titans and regular Worst Company in America contenders: Walmart and PayPal. After he returned a defective tablet for a refund, Walmart held on to the money. J. filed a PayPal dispute, and has been told to drop the dispute in order to get a refund from Walmart. PayPal says not to drop the dispute. Who should J. trust? [More]

Free Sample Contractor Arrested Following Fight In Crowded Walmart
You could cut the tension between two women, both working for a contractor hired to hand out free samples in Walmart, with a knife. All you’d need is a cutting board, which also happens to be the item at the center of a fight that ended with one woman in a fruit display and the other being arrested. [More]

Raiders Of The Lost Walmart Uncover Star Wars Sandtroopers, Free Games, Windows Vista
The Raiders of the Lost Walmart have been busy since April, finding the oldest and obsoletest items on the shelves at Walmart. No old cameras this time, but plenty of (now) free games, old memory, and not-quite-vintage action figures. Almost as if our readers are experts in that sort of thing.

Cops Say Couple Bound & Blindfolded Kids Before Leaving Them In Walmart Parking Lot
Can children be frustrating, and tough to keep an eye on sometimes? Yes, of course. But that doesn’t mean parents should blindfold and tie up their children to make sure they don’t go anywhere while they’re unattended. A couple from the Chicago area were arrested in Kansas for doing just that to two of their five kids, and leaving them in a Walmart parking lot. [More]

Economists: Being Near A New Walmart Actually Increases Home Values
While the sight of a new Walmart store going up always causes some area residents to frown, a new report claims that houses within the immediate area of a new Walmart actually see a slight uptick in value. [More]

Failed Walmart Robber Unfortunate Enough To Get Hit By His Own Getaway Vehicle
Some people just aren’t very good at getting away with crimes, which is perhaps where the phrase “crime doesn’t pay” comes from, eh? Case in point: A man from New York failed in his alleged attempt to rob a Virginia Walmart, and then had the misfortune to get dinged up by his own getaway truck. [More]

It’s Probably Best To Not Bring Your Mini Meth Lab Into Walmart With You
We understand that a lot of people have hobbies — I like to bake bread; I’ve also been known to craft elaborate leather outfits for my carrier pigeons — but while it may be acceptable to knit as you stroll the aisles of your local retailer, cooking up a batch of meth in your purse is really just going to end badly. [More]

Alleged Shoplifter Dies After Being Detained At Walmart
A man in California died last Friday shortly after Walmart loss-prevention staff detained him on suspicion of shoplifting. [More]