
Do You Want To Save 10% By Opening A Target Visa? Just Kidding!

Do You Want To Save 10% By Opening A Target Visa? Just Kidding!

Reader Nancy says that Target rejected the 10% coupon she received for being a Target Visa card holder. When she asked why, the cashier told her it had probably been used, but had no more information.

Which Credit Cards Have The Best Rental Car Insurance?

Which Credit Cards Have The Best Rental Car Insurance?

One of the tricks that seasoned travelers know is to always deny the insurance when renting a car. Why? Because the credit card that they are using already comes with insurance that they are familiar with, and because you are required to deny coverage from the rental car company in order to take advantage of your credit card’s insurance. But how do you pick a credit card that has good rental insurance?

More On Minimum Purchases, Surcharges, And Other Credit Card Merchant Agreement Violations, From The Companies Themselves

More On Minimum Purchases, Surcharges, And Other Credit Card Merchant Agreement Violations, From The Companies Themselves

We’ve posted a lot of stories of businesses requiring customers who pay with a credit card to make minimum purchases, or pay a surcharge, or show ID. And as we’ve repeatedly said, the businesses’ merchant agreements with the credit card companies forbids these practices. A reader wrote in to argue that this might not be true, as many businesses contract with third-party credit card processors, and are not bound by the merchant agreement. So we did some investigating.

10 Things You Might Not Know About Your Credit Card

10 Things You Might Not Know About Your Credit Card

You might think that everyone knows that you have to sign your credit card in order for it to be valid — after all — there’s a panel on the back that says “Not Valid Unless Signed,” but you’d be shocked at the number of angry emails we get from people who have tried to use an unsigned credit card with “SEE ID” or “CHECK ID” written on it and were turned away when they refused to sign their card.

A Debt Collector Offers You A Credit Card, What's Wrong With This Picture?

A Debt Collector Offers You A Credit Card, What's Wrong With This Picture?

Like countless others, reader Ryan is in debt. His debt is to the tune of $1,364. He received an interesting offer from the debt collector who is offering “debt reduction” in the form of a pre-approved Visa card in which his $1,364 debt would be reduced to a $1,200 balance if he accepts the card. He would need only to to pay off the balance under the terms of the credit card to eliminate his debt. Ryan wisely wrote to us to ask if this is a good idea. Actually Ryan, it’s a really really really bad idea. His letter and our advice, inside…

This McDonald's Charges 25¢ To Use A Credit Or Debit Card, Violates Merchant Agreement

This McDonald's Charges 25¢ To Use A Credit Or Debit Card, Violates Merchant Agreement

Reader Brandon sent us this picture of a McDonald’s violating its merchant agreement by charging a fee for using a credit or debit card. The text reads, “FEE ASSOCIATED WITH CREDIT/DEBIT CARD OF 25¢ WILL BE APPLIED TO CARD TOTAL.”

Why Are Gas Stations Charging More For Credit Card Purchases?

Why Are Gas Stations Charging More For Credit Card Purchases?

Yechial wants to know why his Chase BP Visa card, which offers 5% rebates on gas purchases, costs him more to use at BP stations than if he pays with cash. He asked a BP station owner in Pennsylvania about this and the station owner told him it was because credit transaction fees had gone up—”When I told him that I would report his station to BP and to Chase Bank, he said, ‘Screw you! I don’t care, report me. They are the ones charging us more money for the transactions.'”

Kohls Violates Visa's Merchant Agreement, Refuses To Accept Credit Card Without ID

Kohls Violates Visa's Merchant Agreement, Refuses To Accept Credit Card Without ID

This afternoon I visited the Kohl’s store in Moline, Illinois. When I was checking out I elected to pay with my Visa card. After sliding my card through the card reader I signed the screen when prompted. My cashier asked to see the card, which I handed over to her. She handed my card back to me and then asked to see my identification, to which I respectfully declined. She said I had to show my ID or I could not leave the store with my purchases…

IHOP Threatens To Call The Police Because You Refuse To Show ID With Credit Card

IHOP Threatens To Call The Police Because You Refuse To Show ID With Credit Card

I went to IHOP(INTERNATIONAL HOUSE OF PANCAKES) on March 30th with my wife to eat. After our meal I went to the counter to pay and presented my Visa as payment. I was asked for photo ID, and kindly declined. I was then told that they were not going to be able to accept my card without photo ID.

Jack In The Box: That'll Be A $30 Minimum Charge For Credit Or Debit, Please

Jack In The Box: That'll Be A $30 Minimum Charge For Credit Or Debit, Please

This last evening I was hungry and decided that I wanted Jack In the Box. So I went to the Manhattan Beach, CA store on Sepulveda Ave. When I pulled up and was beginning to determine what I wanted for dinner I noticed a sign on the order board. It stated that in order to use a credit card it required a 30 dollar purchase, ID and a signature. While I have seen minimum payment requirements before at various liquor stores and restaurants I have never seen one so high especially for a drive thru window…

Chase Reactivates Dead Card Without Your Permission

Chase Reactivates Dead Card Without Your Permission

Erica writes:

Recently, my husband and I got two new Chase credit cards in the mail. I didn’t look closely, assuming that this was a new card for our never-used Chase Mastercard account. This account has been around for seven years, but we prefer another card with a rewards system; the Mastercard account is open only to benefit our credit rating. Therefore, no urgency in activating it — I dropped it in the bill pile to deal with later.

Asking For Lower APR Gets Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA Card Closed Against Man's Will

Asking For Lower APR Gets Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA Card Closed Against Man's Will

Thomas writes:

If you don’t use your Juniper iTunes Rewards VISA (issued by Barclay’s) for an entire year, they close the card and report to the credit agencies that you requested to close it. I’ve learned that when I called to inquire about a lower rate on 2/26, the agent canceled my account.

"For Security Purposes, This Card Is Not Active" Is A Lie

"For Security Purposes, This Card Is Not Active" Is A Lie

When you get a new or replacement credit card in the mail, you have to call the number on the back to activate it, or else you can’t use it, right? Wrong. Despite the sticker on the back that says, “For security purposes, this card is not active,” credit card companies are mailing out cards that can be used without phone activation. This is a problem if the letter containing your credit card is intercepted by an identity thief, like what happened to reader PC Guy. The kicker? He didn’t even request the card, it was a forcible reissue when his store-branded card switched from Visa to Mastercard. His story, inside.

LEAKS: Amex Document Shows Proof of ID Check Is Not Required For Chargebacks

LEAKS: Amex Document Shows Proof of ID Check Is Not Required For Chargebacks

Reader W writes in in response to the so-called “retail manager” who said that credit card companies require video proof of cashiers checking ID.

Should I Demand A Refund Or Swallow My Pride?

Should I Demand A Refund Or Swallow My Pride?

Andrew writes: I’ve been having a huge problem with Visa. On November 28th, my wife ordered a $150 giftcard for me as a Christmas present, and we were told it would take up to a week to be delivered. Since we hadn’t received it by the 7th of the December, We called and asked a support representative about the card. The rep was nice and reordered another card for us that day, and agreed to have it sent to us via Fedex NextDay Air. On the 15th of December, we received the first card. We contacted Visa support again to see if we would be able to use the initial card, however it had been deactivated.

Walmart's Debit Card Has Lots Of Hidden Fees

Walmart's Debit Card Has Lots Of Hidden Fees

Great idea, tap into the “unbanked,” and then rip them off. Here’s an even better idea for potential Walmart Debit Card users: cash! No fees!

Visa Extended Warranty Protection Replaces Infamous "Dusty Playstation"

Visa Extended Warranty Protection Replaces Infamous "Dusty Playstation"

Reid, the guy with the Playstation that Sony said was too dusty to repair, is getting his system replaced through his Visa card’s extended warranty protection.

Hey Continental Airlines, North Korea Isn't The Same As South Korea

Hey Continental Airlines, North Korea Isn't The Same As South Korea

My wife (a South Korean citizen and non-immigrant to the U.S.) was initially denied check-in due to the fact that their “computer” stated that she was required to have a Visa to enter Mexico. We quickly informed the attendant (Donna [redacted]) that the Republic of Korea aka South Korea aka NOT North Korea, is a treaty nation with Mexico and that tourist Visa’s for minimal stays are not required.